莫来石抗氧化外涂层的制备及抗氧化性能 |
Preparation and Anti-oxidation Property of Mullite Protective Outer Coating |
摘要: 以莫来石粉体(3Al2O3·2SiO2)为原料,采用水热电泳沉积法在C/C-SiC复合材料表面制备了莫来石外涂层。借助XRD和SEM等对涂层的晶相组成和显微结构进行了表征。研究了水热沉积电压对莫来石外涂层相组成、形貌及高温抗氧化性能的影响。结果表明:外涂层主要由莫来石晶相组成。当沉积电压控制在120~180 V范围内时,莫来石外涂层的致密程度、厚度及抗氧化性能随着沉积电压的升高而提高。当沉积电压达到210 V时,制备的外涂层出现疏松、裂纹等缺陷,抗氧化性能减弱。抗氧化测试表明与包埋法制备的SiC-C/C涂层试样相比,莫来石-SiC-C/C涂层试样的抗氧化性能明显提高。当沉积电压为180 V时,制备的复合涂层试样可在1 500 ℃的空气气氛下有效保护C/C复合材料164 h,其失重仅为1.75%。 |
关键词: C/C复合材料 莫来石外涂层 水热电泳沉积法 沉积电压 |
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Abstract: Mullite coating was deposited on C/C-SiC composites by a hydrothermal electrophoretic deposition process using mullite powder as source material. The phase composition and microstructure of the as-prepared coating was characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The influence of hydrothermal deposition voltage on phase composition, microstructure and high temperature oxidation resistance of the as-prepared coating was investigated. Results show that the outer layer is mainly composed of mullite phase. The thickness, density and anti-oxidation property of mullite coating are improved when the deposition voltage is increased from 120 V to 180 V. However, loose coating with some cracks will be formed at a higher voltage of 210 V and the corresponding oxidation resistance ability is weakened. The anti-oxidation property of the mullite-SiC-C/C sample is obviously improved in comparation with SiC-C/C substrate. The mullite coating prepared at 180 V exhibits excellent auti-oxidation property, which can effectively protect C/C composites from oxidation in air at 1 500 ℃ for 164 h with a weight loss of 1.75%. |
Keywords: carbon/carbon composites mullite coating hydrothermal electrophoretic deposition process deposition voltage |
摘要点击次数: 1966 |
全文下载次数: 2146 |
杨 强,黄剑锋,杨 婷,曹丽云,吴建鹏.莫来石抗氧化外涂层的制备及抗氧化性能[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(5):907-912. |
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