Monodisperse Ru Nanoparticles in [Bmim]BF4: Preparation and Application in Benzene Selective Hydrogenation
魏珺芳 河北工业大学绿色化工与高效节能河北省重点实验室天津 300130 
王延吉 河北工业大学绿色化工与高效节能河北省重点实验室天津 300130 
励 娟 河北工业大学绿色化工与高效节能河北省重点实验室天津 300130 
薛 伟 河北工业大学绿色化工与高效节能河北省重点实验室天津 300130 
摘要: 采用化学还原法在离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐([BMim]BF4)中制备了单分散纳米金属Ru粒子。采用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)、傅里叶红外光谱(FTTR)及热重(TG)对所制备样品的形貌和结构进行了表征。XRD表征结果显示:在[BMim]BF4中制备的Ru具有六方紧密堆积结构,无氧化物峰出现;TEM结果显示:采用正滴法制备的Ru纳米粒子为球形颗粒,呈现良好的单分散状态,粒径分布窄,为2~5 nm,而采用反滴法制备的Ru纳米粒子则发生了严重的团聚,团聚体粒径大于10 nm;FTIR表征表明:Ru纳米粒子表面存在[BMim]BF4液体层,分析二者之间存在较强的物理吸附作用,[BMim]BF4在Ru纳米粒子的制备中起到了修饰剂和保护剂的双重作用,这一推论通过TG分析得到了进一步验证。将分散于[BMim]BF4的Ru纳米粒子作为催化剂应用于苯选择加氢反应,结果分析表明:Ru-离子液体-苯反应体系中,苯转化率仅有0.3%;Ru-离子液体-苯-水反应体系中加氢活性较高,但环己烯选择性较低,在一定条件下,加氢30 min,苯转化率为27.3%,环己烯选择性仅为14.5%。
关键词: 离子液体  Ru  单分散纳米粒子    选择加氢
Abstract: The monodisperse Ru nanoparticles were prepared by chemical reduction method in 1-butyl-3-methyl limidizaolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMim]BF4). The prepared Ru nanoparticles were characterized by XRD as hexagonal close packed structure and no diffraction peak from oxidation products. TEM analysis of these nanoparticles shows that the monodisperse Ru nanoparticles prepared by positive dripping method disperse in the ionic liquids with diameter less than 5 nm. The Ru nanoparticles prepared by reverse dripping method agglomerate with diameter more than 10 nm. FTIR results indicate that a physically absorbed layer of ionic liquid is evident on the surface of Ru nanoparticles. TG results indicate that the ionic liquid serves not only as a protective agent or stabilizing agent to inhibit the aggregation of Ru nanoparticles, but also a modification agent adsorbed on the Ru nanoparticles. Results of benzene selective hydrogenation show that benzene conversion is relatively high in the reaction system with water, however the selectivity of cyclohexene is low, only 14.5% at 27.3% benzene conversion in the same system.
Keywords: ionic liquids  Ru  monodisperse nanoparticles  benzene  selective hydrogenation
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魏珺芳,王延吉,励 娟,薛 伟.离子液体[Bmim]BF4中单分散Ru纳米粒子的制备及选择加氢性能[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(5):850-854.
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