The Effect of Absorbance on Observed Value of Oxygen Vacancy Concentration of Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ Solid Solutions
李 岚 浙江师范大学物理化学研究所浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室金华 321004 
郭 明 浙江师范大学物理化学研究所浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室金华 321004 
普志英 浙江师范大学物理化学研究所浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室金华 321004 
鲁继青 浙江师范大学物理化学研究所浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室金华 321004 
罗孟飞 浙江师范大学物理化学研究所浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室金华 321004 
摘要: 采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了系列Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ固溶体,通过Raman光谱和紫外-可见漫反射(UV-Vis DRS)考察了吸光度对氧缺位浓度观测值(A570/A460)的影响。结果表明,氧缺位浓度观测值取决于Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ固溶体样品对Raman激发光的吸收。当样品对激发光吸收较弱时,观测到样品整体信息;当样品对激发光吸收较强时,只观测到样品表面信息。由于氧缺位的表面富集,使得样品表层的氧缺位浓度观察值较大。
关键词: Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ固溶体  Raman光谱  氧缺位
Abstract: A series of Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ solid solutions were prepared using a sol-gel method. The effect of absorbance of the sample on the observed value of the oxygen vacancy concentration (A570/A460) was studied by Raman spectroscopy and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It was found that the A570/A460 value was dependent on the sample absorbance of the excitation laser. Weak absorbance to the laser led to the detection of bulk information of the sample, while strong absorbance to the laser led to the detection of surface information of the sample. Because of the enrichment of the oxygen vacancy on the sample surface, strong absorbance of the laser results in a large A570/A460 value.
Keywords: Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ solid solution  Raman spectroscopy  oxygen vacancy
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李 岚,郭 明,普志英,鲁继青,罗孟飞.吸光度对Ce0.9Ln0.1O2-δ固溶体氧缺位浓度观测值的影响[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(5):840-844.
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