S、Al掺杂TiO2纳米材料的固相合成及其可见光降解性能 |
S and Al Doped TiO2 Nanomaterials: Synthesis via Solid-State Reaction and Visible Light Degradation Performance |
摘要: 采用固相反应法分别合成了硫掺杂二氧化钛(S-TiO2)、铝掺杂二氧化钛(Al-TiO2)及硫和铝共掺杂二氧化钛(S-Al-TiO2)纳米材料,并对材料进行了XRD、SEM、UV-Vis、XPS、Raman、N2吸附-脱附等物相织构表征,同时研究了材料对溴甲酚绿(BCG)的可见光降解活性。结果表明,在S-Al-TiO2纳米材料中,硫以阳离子S6+进入二氧化钛晶格, 铝以同晶取代方式占据TiO2晶格中Ti的位置,其晶型为锐钛矿型。S、Al共掺杂能有效地抑制TiO2晶粒的生长,其紫外-可见漫反射吸收光谱涵盖了可见光区并延伸到近红外区域。材料的光催化活性决定于掺杂元素及其掺杂量。在25 ℃、pH=6.5下,S-Al-TiO2纳米材料对溴甲酚绿的可见光降解具有很高的活性,并服从一级反应动力学规律。当S与Al投料物质的量的比为1∶9时,S-Al-TiO2 (1S-9Al)纳米材料对BCG的可见光降解速率常数为0.032 86 min-1,分别是纯TiO2、S-TiO2及Al-TiO2的5.46、2.62和4.63倍。50 min内, S-Al-TiO2(1S-9Al)纳米材料对BCG的可见光降解率达80%。 |
关键词: 硫铝共掺杂 二氧化钛 固相反应 可见光降解 溴甲酚绿 |
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Abstract: S and Al co-doped TiO2 nanomaterials (S-Al-TiO2) were synthesized through a solid- state reaction route. The textural properties of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ultraviolet visible light spectroscopy (UV-Vis), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman and N2 absorption-desorption. The photodegradation performance for bromocresol green (BCG) from irradiating with visible light was investigated. The results show that S atoms as S6+ state have been incorporated into the lattice of TiO2, and Al ions occupy the sites of Ti in crystal lattice by isomorphous replacement. The S-Al-TiO2 nanomaterials is in anatase phase. S, Al co-doping TiO2 can effectively embarrass the crystal growth of TiO2. The UV-Vis displays that the absorption region of S-Al-TiO2 material covers the visible light region and extends to near infrared region. Moreover, the photocatalytic activity is controlled by doping element and doping content. At 25 ℃, pH=6.5, excellent visible light catalytic activity for the photodegradation of bromocresol green obeying pseudo-first-order reaction is found on the S-Al-TiO2, S-TiO2, Al-TiO2 materials and pure TiO2. When the feed molar ratio of sulfur to aluminium is 1∶9, the reaction rate constant (0.032 86 min-1) of S-Al-TiO2(1S-9Al) material is 5.46, 2.62 and 4.63 times that of pure TiO2, S-TiO2 and Al-TiO2, respectively. Within 50 min, the visible light degradation ratio of BCG is ~80%. |
Keywords: S, Al co-doped titanium dioxide solid state reaction visible light degradation bromocresol green |
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刘少友,冯庆革,唐文华,蒋天智.S、Al掺杂TiO2纳米材料的固相合成及其可见光降解性能[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(4):673-681. |
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