Layered Germanate: Synthesis via Solvothermal Route and Structural Characteristics
郭 兵 南开大学化学学院新催化材料科学研究所天津 300071 
林秀珍 南开大学化学学院新催化材料科学研究所天津 300071 
任铁真 河北工业大学化工学院天津 300130 
袁忠勇 南开大学化学学院新催化材料科学研究所天津 300071
南开大学先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室天津 300071 
摘要: 采用苄胺作为结构导向剂,在吡啶-乙醇-氢氟酸溶剂热体系中合成得到层状锗酸盐ICMM-8。对比文献报道的合成体系,本工作中溶剂热前体混合物的酸碱度对ICMM-8的晶化生成有着至关重要的影响,反应体系中反应物之间复杂的相互作用以及由此形成的缓冲机制对保持体系酸碱度起到重要作用。基于簇单元的概念对ICMM-8的结构进行分析,发现ICMM-8中包含的次级结构单元SBU-6与其他微孔锗酸盐中发现的特征簇单元有着显著的不同。
关键词: 锗酸盐  层状结构  结构导向剂  溶剂热  氟离子
Abstract: By using benzylamine as the structure-directing agent, the layered germanate ICMM-8 was solvothermally synthesized in the Pyridine-Ethanol-HF system. Compared with the reported synthesis, appropriate basicity of the precursor mixture in this work plays a key role for the formation of ICMM-8. Delicate and complex interactions between the reactants and the resulting buffering mechanism are considered to function in maintaining the expected basicity of the solvothermal media. The secondary building unit SBU-6 involved in ICMM-8 exhibits its distinct feathers that differentiate SBU-6 from several other known clusters found in the reported open-framework germanates.
Keywords: germanate  layer structure  structure directing agent  solvothermal synthesis  fluoride ion
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郭 兵,林秀珍,任铁真,袁忠勇.一种层状锗酸盐的溶解热途径合成及其结构特征[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(4):604-610.
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