高质量Cu2ZnSnS4纳米晶的合成及其自组装行为的研究 |
Synthesis of High-Quality and Self-assembled Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystals |
摘要: 本文以简单的无机盐,包括醋酸铜、醋酸锌、四氯化锡为原料,以硬脂酸和硬脂胺作为保护剂,以二苯醚作为溶剂,采用高温热注射的方法,合成出了高质量的具有自组装行为的Cu2ZnSnS4纳米晶,并详细研究了酸和胺对于纳米晶形貌的影响。研究结果表明,随着硬脂酸用量的增加,Cu2ZnSnS4纳米晶的尺寸逐渐变大,并且呈现出具有多个棱角的复杂结构。此方法制备的Cu2ZnSnS4纳米晶对于紫外和可见光区均有很强的吸收,是构筑高效、低耗的薄膜太阳能电池的理想材料。 |
关键词: Cu2ZnSnS4 纳米晶 高温热注射 自组装 |
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Abstract: High-quality Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals with narrow size distribution were prepared via a facile hot-injection route by using simple inorganic metallic salt Cu(OAc)2, Zn(OAc)2 and SnCl4 as raw materials, stearic acid and octadecylamine as capping molecules and diphenyl ether as solvent. In this paper, we have studied in depth for the influence on the morphologies of the nanocrystals by changing the ratio of stearic acid and octadecylamine. It is shown that Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals grow bigger and have complex nanostructures by increasing the amount of stearic acid. And this material has a strong absorption under the whole region from UV to visible lights. It is believed that Cu2ZnSnS4 has a potential application in photovoltaic devices. |
Keywords: Cu2ZnSnS4, nanocrystals, hot-injection, self-assembly |
摘要点击次数: 1981 |
全文下载次数: 2917 |
汪 啸,刘大鹏,宋术岩,刘永鑫,张洪杰.高质量Cu2ZnSnS4纳米晶的合成及其自组装行为的研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(2):259-263. |
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