Roles of Asp37 and Asp73 in the Loop of N-Terminal Domain of Ciliate Euplotes Octocarinatus Centrin
赵 冰 山西大学分子科学研究所太原 030006 
段 炼 山西大学分子科学研究所太原 030006 
刘 文 山西大学分子科学研究所太原 030006 
赵亚琴 山西大学分子科学研究所太原 030006 
杨斌盛 山西大学分子科学研究所太原 030006 
摘要: 本文通过分子生物学方法将八肋游仆虫中心蛋白N端半分子loop区的首个氨基酸,天冬氨酸Asp37和Asp73,分别突变为带相反电荷的赖氨酸。使用铽敏化荧光、TNS疏水探针研究了八肋游仆虫中心蛋白N端半分子loop区的首个氨基酸的作用。结果表明:当中心蛋白loop Ⅰ区37位的天冬氨酸突变为赖氨酸后,loop Ⅰ丧失了金属离子结合能力,进而影响了中心蛋白依赖于金属离子的构象变化;而loop Ⅱ区73位的天冬氨酸突变为赖氨酸后仍保持金属离子结合能力,依赖于金属离子的构象变化减小。中心蛋白发挥大部分生物功能都依赖于金属离子,这就表明loop Ⅰ区37位的天冬氨酸在中心蛋白发挥生物功能时起着重要作用,是不可缺少的。在10 mmol·L-1 Hepes、pH 7.4、20 mmol·L-1 KCl条件下,八肋游仆虫中心蛋白N端半分子loop Ⅱ与金属离子Tb3+和Ca2+的结合常数分别为:K(Tb3+)=(8.31±0.18)×104 L·mol-1K(Ca2+)=(0.94±0.12)×102 L·mol-1,中心蛋白N端半分子的两个金属结合部位结合能力顺序为:Ⅰ>Ⅱ。
关键词: 中心蛋白  N端半分子  Tb3+  Ca2+  TNS
Abstract: Ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus centrin (EoCen) is a member of the EF-hand superfamily of calcium-binding proteins, which often associated with the centrosomes and basal bodies. To explore the importance of Asp37 and Asp73 in the loop of N-terminal of EoCen, the mutants of N-D37K and N-D73K (D is aspartic acid, and K is lysine) were obtained by molecular biological methods. The experiments of aromatic residue-sensitized Tb3+ energy transfer demonstrate that: N-D73K can bind two equivalents Tb3+, which is similar to N-EoCen (WT-EoCen binds four equiv. Tb3+), and N-D37K can only bind one equivalent Tb3+. Using 2-p-toluidinylnaphthalene-6-sulfonate (TNS) as a hydrophobic probe, exposure of the hydrophobic surface upon metal binding was found to be significantly reduced for the metal ion-saturated N-D37K mutant. The results indicate that Asp37 plays an important role in the biological functions of N-terminal domain of EoCen. Meanwhile the conditional binding constants of the N-EoCen loop Ⅱ were quantitatively found to be K=(8.31±0.18)×104 L·mol-1 and K=(0.94±0.12)×102 L·mol-1 with Tb3+ and Ca2+, respectively, and the order for the metal-binding affinity of the two sites in N-EoCen is Ⅰ>Ⅱ.
Keywords: centrin  N-terminal  Tb3+  Ca2+  TNS
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赵 冰,段 炼,刘 文,赵亚琴,杨斌盛.八肋游仆虫中心蛋白N端半分子Loop区首个氨基酸的作用(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(2):245-250.
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