Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Property of a Novel Visible-light Photovoltaic Material NiNb2O6
张 妍 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
于建强 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
高行龙 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
孙 红 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
郭培志 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
李洪亮 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
赵修松 青岛大学纤维新材料与现代纺织重点实验室青岛大学化学化工与环境学院青岛 266071 
摘要: 本文报道了“软化学”法合成得到的新型光电转换材料NiNb2O6的合成及其在可见光照射下的光电化学性质。采用X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)以及紫外-可见漫反射谱(DRS)等手段研究了合成材料的晶型结构、形貌以及光物理性质。结果表明,该材料具有与Nb2O5完全不同的新型结构,且具有两个明显的吸收带,相应的禁带宽分别为3.02和2.30 eV,具有较好的可见光(λ>420 nm)吸收性能。在可见光下照射下NiNb2O6薄膜光电极上观察到有光电流的产生,表明其具有较好的光电转换性能。
关键词: 铌酸镍  可见光  光电转换材料  “软化学法”  光电化学
Abstract: This paper reports the synthesis and photoelectrochemical property of a novel visible-light photovoltaic material NiNb2O6, which was prepared by a soft-chemistry approach. The structure, morphology and photophysical properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). The results suggested that the structure of the material differed absolutely to that of Nb2O5. Two distinctive absorption bands, corresponding to band-gap of about 3.02 and 2.03 eV respectively, were observed. Intensive photocurrent was observed over the film fabricated from the synthesized NiNb2O6 under the visible-light irradiation (λ>420 nm), showing a good photoelectrochemical property. The results indicated that NiNb2O6 is an excellent photovoltaic conversion material.
Keywords: nicke niobate  visible-light  photovoltaic material  soft chemistry method  photoelectrochemistry
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张 妍,于建强,高行龙,孙 红,郭培志,李洪亮,赵修松.新型可见光光电材料NiNb2O6的合成及其光电化学性质[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(1):141-144.
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