Solubility Prediction of System KNO3-K2SO4-H2O and KNO3-KCl-H2O Using Thermodynomic Model
尹 霞 湖南大学化学化工学院长沙 410082 
吴玉双 湖南大学化学化工学院长沙 410082 
汪 琼 湖南大学化学化工学院长沙 410082 
摘要: 用Pitzer-Simonson-Clegg热力学模型(PSC模型),分别拟合KCl-H2O、K2SO4-H2O、KNO3-H2O体系以及KNO3-K2SO4-H2O和KNO3-KCl-H2O体系水活度和溶解度实验数据,得到二元参数和三元离子相互作用参数,并以此计算3个二元盐水体系溶解度相图,及2个三元盐水体系在不同温度下的溶解度,结果表明计算值与实验值一致。
关键词: 热力学模型  溶解度  KNO3-K2SO4-H2O体系  KNO3-KCl-H2O体系  水活度
Abstract: The solubilities of the KNO3-K2SO4-H2O and KNO3-KCl-H2O systems was predicted over a wide range of temperature by using Pitzer-Simonson-Clegg(PSC) model. The experimental water activity and experimental solubility in the binary KCl-H2O, K2SO4-H2O, KNO3-H2O and ternary KNO3-K2SO4-H2O and KNO3-KCl-H2O system were used to obtain the model parameters. Then the solubilities in the two ternary systems were predicted and compared with the experimental data. It showed that the model values are credible.
Keywords: thermodynamic model  solubility  KNO3-K2SO4-H2O system  KNO3-KCl-H2O system  water activity
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全文下载次数:  2558
尹 霞,吴玉双,汪 琼.热力学模型研究KNO3-K2SO4-H2O和KNO3-KCl-H2O体系溶解度[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(1):73-78.
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