Synthesis of AgCl Nanoparticles in F127 Microemulsion and Study of AgCl/F127-PMMA Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Membranes
吴礼光 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院杭州 310012 
项 雯 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院杭州 310012 
杜春慧 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院杭州 310012 
摘要: 在大分子F127为表面活性剂的反相微乳液体系中,合成AgCl纳米粒子。然后通过聚合制备AgCl/F127-PMMA有机/无机杂化膜,用于苯/环己烷混合物的渗透汽化分离。利用电导率仪、紫外可见光谱及透射电镜研究微乳液的增溶水量(ω)对微乳液结构、胶束中AgCl粒子的生成和形貌的影响。结果表明:合成的AgCl粒子粒径小于10 nm;增加微乳液的ω,生成的AgCl粒子变大。聚合后制备的AgCl/F127-PMMA有机/无机杂化膜中,AgCl粒子能保持较好的分散性。50wt%苯/环己烷混合物的渗透汽化结果表明,在合适的ω下,所制备的AgCl/F127-PMMA有机/无机杂化膜能克服常规高分子膜的trade-off现象,表现出较好的分离性能。
关键词: F127  反相微乳液  AgCl纳米粒子  有机-无机杂化膜  渗透汽化
Abstract: Nanoparticles of AgCl were synthesized in water-in-oil microemulsion using poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers(F127) as a surfactant. And then AgCl/F127-PMMA organic/inorganic hybrid membranes were prepared for separation of benzene/cyclohexane mixtures by pervaporation. The effect of on the structure of microemulsion and morphology of AgCl nanoparticles were studied by conductivity meter, ultraviolet-visible spectrum and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The results shown that the mean diameters of AgCl nanoparticles are small (1~10 nm). The sizes of AgCl nanoparticles increased with ω. AgCl nanoparticles maintained well dispersion in AgCl/F127-PMMA organic/inorganic hybrid membranes. The results of pervaporation indicated that the hybrid membrane has well separation performance, which could overcome the trade-off phenomenon of polymer membranes.
Keywords: F127  water-in-oil microemulsion  AgCl nanoparticles  organic-inorganic hybrid membranes  pervaporation
摘要点击次数:  2014
全文下载次数:  2323
吴礼光,项 雯,杜春慧.F127反相微乳液中纳米AgCl粒子的可控合成和AgCl/F127-PMMA有机/无机杂化膜的研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(1):61-65.
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