共沉淀-熔盐法制备BaMoO4∶Eu3+及其发光性能研究 |
Coprecipitation-Molten Salt Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of BaMoO4∶Eu3+ |
摘要: 以KCl-NaCl为熔盐,采用共沉淀前躯体-熔盐辅助焙烧法合成了红色发光材料BaMoO4∶Eu3+。运用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及荧光光谱(PL)等测试手段,研究了熔盐辅助焙烧温度对粉体相结构、形貌和发光性能的影响,并对比了直接采用共沉淀法合成BaMoO4∶Eu3+的结构与发光性能。结果表明:采用两种方法制备的BaMoO4∶Eu3+均是纯相,粒径随温度升高而增大。当KCl-NaCl复合熔盐焙烧温度大于700 ℃,BaMoO4晶粒在熔盐中实现了(111)面取向生长,得到均一的尖晶石型BaMoO4∶Eu3+微晶。光谱研究表明:共沉淀前躯体-熔盐辅助焙烧法合成样品在615 nm处的Eu3+的5D0-7F2发射明显得到加强,样品发出明亮的红色发射光。 |
关键词: 熔盐合成法 BaMoO4∶Eu3+ 发光 |
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Abstract: Red-emitting BaMoO4∶Eu3+ luminescence materials were successfully prepared by the eutectic NaCl-KCl molten salt method using BaMoO4 coprecipitation precursor as the starting material. The phase structures, morphologies and photoluminescence properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and fluorescence spectrophotometer, respectively. The structure and photoluminescence property of the BaMoO4∶Eu3+ sample prepared by the sintered coprecipitation precursor were also comparatively investigated. The results indicated that both the two kinds of samples were of pure phase structure, and the particles sizes increased with increasing sintering temperature. Especially, the obtained BaMoO4 crystals had rhombic shape of spinel structure and exposed mostly (111) crystallographic planes when the samples were prepared using KCl-NaCl as the molten salts at 700 ℃. Based on the photoluminescence properties investigations, the samples prepared by the molten salt method showed strongest red emission at 615 nm, corresponding to Eu3+ 5D0-7F2 transition in BaMoO4 host lattice. |
Keywords: molten salt synthesis BaMoO4∶Eu3+ luminescence |
摘要点击次数: 1997 |
全文下载次数: 2641 |
金 帅,夏志国,赵金秋.共沉淀-熔盐法制备BaMoO4∶Eu3+及其发光性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(1):25-29. |
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