Spectral Properties and Energy Transfer of Tm,Ho∶BaY2F8 Crystal
李 春 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院长春 130022 
张学建 吉林建筑工程学院外事处长春 130021 
王成伟 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院长春 130022 
张 莹 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院长春 130022 
董仲伟 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院长春 130022 
Mauro Tonelli 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院长春 130022
NEST-CNR and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy 
刘景和 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院长春 130022 
摘要: 采用提拉法,生长钬铥双掺氟化钇钡[分子式:Tm3+,Ho3+∶BaY2F8,简称Tm,Ho∶BYF]激光晶体。工艺参数:拉速0.5 mm·h-1,转速5 r·min-1,冷却速率10 ℃·h-1。XRD表明:属于单斜晶系,空间群C12/m1。计算出晶格参数:a=0.699 73 nm,b=1.052 93 nm,c=0.427 84 nm,β=99.71°。测试了晶体的吸收及荧光光谱,同时计算了784 nm处吸收峰的半高宽、吸收系数及吸收截面,分别为3.2 nm,2.23 cm-1,7.44×10-21 cm2。该吸收峰对应于Tm3+离子从基态3H6到激发态3H4的跃迁。Tm,Ho∶BYF晶体在2.06 μm附近有很强的荧光发射峰,在该荧光峰的发射截面和荧光寿命分别为4.96×10-21 cm2,10.1 ms。Tm3+→Ho3+的正向、反向能量转换系数之比是10.4。
关键词: 钬铥双掺氟化钇钡晶体  吸收光谱  荧光光谱  能量传递
Abstract: Tm,Ho∶BaY2F8 single crystal was grown by the Czochralski method for the first time. The optimal technical parameters obtained are as follows: the pulling rate is 0.5 mm·h-1, the rotation rate is 5 r·min-1, the cooling speed is 10 ℃·h-1. The result of XRD curve shows that as-grown Tm,Ho∶BaY2F8 crystal belongs to the monoclinic system with scheelite-type structure and space group C12/m1. The cell parameters calculated are a=0.699 73 nm, b=1.052 93 nm, c=0.427 84 nm, β=99.71°. The absorption and fluorescence spectra of the Tm,Ho∶BaY2F8 crystal were measured.and FWHM,absorption coefficient,absorption cross-section were calculated lying in the 784 nm region, 3.2 nm, 2.26 cm-1 and 7.44×10-21 cm2, respectively. Transition from the 3H6 ground state to 3H4 excited state with Tm3+. There are three intensive fluorescence emission peak near 2.06 μm, the emission cross-section and fluorescence lift time 4.96×10-21 cm2 and 10.1 ms, respectively. The ratio between the Tm-Ho transfer and its back-transfer process is 10.4.
Keywords: Tm,Ho∶BaY2F8 crystal  absorption spectrum  fluorescence spectrum  energy transfer
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李 春,张学建,王成伟,张 莹,董仲伟,Mauro Tonelli,刘景和.Tm,Ho∶BaY2F8晶体光谱性能与能量传递[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(1):6-10.
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