Photocatalytic Methanation of CO2 over TiO2 Nanoribbons
李锦丽 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所兰州 730000
兰州大学化学化工学院兰州 730000 
付 宁 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所兰州 730000 
吕功煊 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所兰州 730000 
摘要: 研究了在常温常压下TiO2纳米带光催化CO2催化加氢气反应。在紫外光照射下,二氧化碳的加氢还原产物为甲烷。利用高分辨TEM,XRD,UV-Vis DRS,低温氮吸附-脱附,TG等考察了催化剂与甲烷产率的构效关系。结果表明,在600 ℃焙烧时得到的双晶材料具有最佳的光催化活性。优异的光催化活性主要得益于TiO2双晶脱水纳米带(DNR Bicrystalline dehydrated nanoribbon)。上面形成的纳米晶界能够提高催化剂在紫外区的光吸收能力,TiO2(B)和锐钛矿独特的双晶间隔结构也提高了界面电荷分离的效率。担载贵金属Pt显著地提高了反应速率。
关键词: CO2加氢  光催化  甲烷化
Abstract: The photocatalytic hydrogenation of CO2 over TiO2 bicrystalline dehydrated nanoribbons(DNR) was investigated at normal temperature and pressure. Under UV irradiation, generation of methane via CO2 hydrogenation was observed. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) of photocatalysts and methane production rate was correlated, based on results of high-resolution TEM,XRD, UV-Vis DRS, nitrogen adsorption-adsorption, thermal gravimetric (TG) studies. The results indicate that bicrystalline photocatalyst obtained at 600 ℃ exhibits the highest photoactivity. Excellent photocatalytic activity could be mainly attributed to the enhanced absorption in UV region by nano-cavities of DNR, and the unique alternative bicrystalline structure of TiO2(B) and anatase in the samples, which could improve the efficiency of interfacial charge separation. Supporting of Pt significantly increases the reaction rate.
Keywords: hydrogenation of CO2  photocatalysis  methanation
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李锦丽,付 宁,吕功煊.TiO2纳米带光催化二氧化碳甲烷化[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(12):2175-2181.
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