Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Quantum Chemistry of the Organooxotin Cluster [(μ-O)(μ-OH)Sn2(n-Bu)4]2(C5H4NCO2)2
邝代治 功能金属有机材料湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室衡阳师范学院化学与材料科学系衡阳 421008 
冯泳兰 功能金属有机材料湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室衡阳师范学院化学与材料科学系衡阳 421008 
张复兴 功能金属有机材料湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室衡阳师范学院化学与材料科学系衡阳 421008 
王剑秋 功能金属有机材料湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室衡阳师范学院化学与材料科学系衡阳 421008 
摘要: 吡啶-4-甲酸与(n-Bu)2SnO反应合成二(μ-氧)二(μ-羟基氧)桥联四[二(正丁基)锡]二(吡啶-4-甲酸酯),经元素分析、1H NMR、IR和X-射线衍射表征分子结构,该配合物晶体属单斜晶系,空间群P21/n,晶胞参数:a=1.306 5(3) nm,b=1.314 5(2) nm,c=1.660 8(3) nm,β=96.180(5)°,V=2.835 7(9) nm3Z=4,Dc=1.454 g·cm-3,μ(Mo Kα)=1.784 mm-1F(000)=1 248,R1=0.044 9,wR2=0.124 1(I>2σ(I))和R1=0.088 7,wR2=0.175 6(对所有的衍射)。共收集15 802个衍射点,其中独立衍射点4 885个,可观察衍射(I>2σ(I))点2 733个用于结构精修。中心Sn原子形成五配位畸变三角双锥构型,分子间通过N…H-O氢键作用形成二维网络结构。利用量子化学G98W软件,在Lanl2dz基组对配合物的稳定性、前沿分子轨道组成及能量进行研究。
关键词: 有机锡氧化合物  合成  晶体结构  量子化学
Abstract: A novel organooxotin complex of di-μ-oxygen and di-μ-hydroxyl bridged tetra(bisbutyltin) bis(pyridine-4-carboxylate) has been synthesized by the reaction of n-Bu2SnO with pyridine-4-carboxylic acid and characterized by IR, 1H NMR spectra and elemental analysis. The crystal structure has been determined by X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the monoclinic, space group P21/n with a=1.306 5(3) nm, b=1.314 5(2) nm, c=1.660 8(3) nm, β=96.180(5)°, V=2.835 7(9) nm3, Z=4, Dc=1.454 g·cm-3, μ(Mo Kα)=1.784 mm-1, F(000)=1 248, R1=0.044 9, wR2=0.124 1 (I>2σ(I) observed reflections) and R1=0.088 7, wR2=0.175 6 (all reflections). A total of 4 885 (Rint=0.032 1) unique reflections were collected, of which 2 733 with I>2σ(I) were observed. The crystal structure shows that the central Sn atom is five-coordinated to assume a distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration. The complex belongs to centrosymmetric dimer structure with four-membered central endo-cyclic Sn2O2 units in which the bridging oxygen atoms are di- and tri-coordinated, respectively. In crystal, the molecules are packed in the unit cell in two-dimensional network structure through the hydrogen bond (N…H-O) interaction between the O4-H atom and one of the nitrogen of an adjacent molecule. CCDC: 715879.
Keywords: organooxotin compound  synthesis  crystal structure  quantum chemistry
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