Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Graphene by Oxidation Reduction
杨勇辉 西南科技大学理学院绵阳 621010 
孙红娟 西南科技大学矿物材料及应用研究所绵阳 621010 
彭同江 西南科技大学矿物材料及应用研究所绵阳 621010 
摘要: 采用改进的Hummers法对天然鳞片石墨进行氧化处理制备氧化石墨,经超声分散,然后在水合肼的作用下加热还原制备了在水相条件下稳定分散的石墨烯。用红外光谱、拉曼光谱、扫描探针显微镜和ζ电位仪对样品进行了结构、谱学、形貌和ζ电位分析。结果表明,石墨被氧化后形成以C=O、C-OH、-COOH和C-O-C等官能团形式的共价键型石墨层间化合物;还原氧化石墨后形成的石墨烯表面的官能团与石墨的相似;氧化石墨烯和石墨烯在碱性条件下可形成稳定的悬浮液;氧化石墨烯和石墨烯薄片厚度为1.0 nm左右。考察并讨论了还原过程中水合肼用量,体系反应温度、反应时间和pH值对石墨烯还原程度和稳定性的影响,水合肼用量和反应时间是影响石墨烯还原程度的主要因素;pH值对石墨烯稳定性影响较大。
关键词: 石墨烯  氧化石墨  Hummers法  氧化还原法
Abstract: The graphite oxide (GO) was prepared from purified natural flake graphite by the modified Hummers method. The colloidal form of graphene was subsequently prepared by ultrasonicating GO in the presence of hydrazine hydrate. The samples were characterized by using FTIR, Raman, Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and ζ potential technique. The results suggest that the graphite is oxidized to covalent bond-type graphite intercalation compounds with various oxygen bearing functional groups (C=O, C-O, C-OH, -COOH and C-O-C). FTIR spectra show that the surface functional groups of graphite and graphene are almost the same. Graphene oxide and graphene can readily form stable aqueous colloids in water or in alkali solution with uniform sheet thickness of 1 nm. The factors affecting reduction degree and stability of graphene were discussed in reduction process, such as hydrazine hydrate dosage, reaction time and pH value in system. Reduction degree of graphene is mainly controlled by hydrazine hydrate dosage, reaction time in system while the stability is mainly affected by the pH value.
Keywords: graphene  graphite oxide  Hummers method  oxidation reduction
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