磁性壳聚糖去除水中腐殖酸的研究 |
Removal of Aqueous Humic Acid by Magnetic Chitosan Microspheres |
摘要: 采用高温水热法合成了磁性壳聚糖,并研究了其对水中腐殖酸(HA)的吸附、脱附行为。表征结果表明,磁性壳聚糖粒径大小为200~300 nm,氨基含量1.29 mmol·g-1,BET比表面积36.00 m2·g-1,饱和磁化强度为38.78 emu·g-1,易于磁性分离。HA在磁性壳聚糖上的吸附等温线可用Freundlich方程模拟,吸附动力学符合拟二级动力学方程。HA的吸附量随溶液pH值的升高而降低,随不同阳离子浓度增加而增加,不同类型的阳离子对HA吸附效果影响的大小顺序为:Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+>K+。经5个脱附再生循环,磁性壳聚糖仍能保持79.8%的吸附量,表明该吸附剂再生性好,可循环使用。 |
关键词: 磁性壳聚糖 吸附 腐殖酸 再生 |
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Abstract: Magnetic chitosan microspheres were synthesized by hydrothermal method and its adsorption and desorption behavior for humic acid (HA) was also investigated. Characterized results showed that magnetic chitosan microspheres have the diameter of 200~300 nm, amino content of 1.29 mmol·g-1, BET specified surface area of 36.00 m2·g-1, magnetization of 38.78 emu·g-1, and the adsorbent was easy to separate at external magnetic field. Magnetic chitosan microspheres can greatly remove the aqueous HA, and adsorption isotherm of HA can be fitted by Freundlich equation. The pseudo-second-order kinetics can fit the adsorption data greatly. HA adsorption amount over adsorbent decreased with the increasing of solution pH, and increased with increasing of cation concentration. The effect of different cations was in the order of Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+>K+. HA saturated adsorbent can be regenerated in alkaline solution. Adsorption amount of HA after five successive adsorption-regeneration cycles was 79.8% of the initial one, which indicated that adsorbent can be recycled. |
Keywords: magnetic chitosan microsphere adsorption humic acid regeneration |
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王家宏,郑寿荣,刘凤玲,刘景亮,唐 亮,许昭怡.磁性壳聚糖去除水中腐殖酸的研究[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(10):1761-1767. |
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