Nanocrystals Y2O2S∶Eu3+ Prepared by Thermolysis
谭宁会 广州市暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
王园媛 广州市暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
廖佩坤 广州市暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
刘艺成 广州市暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
孟建新 广州市暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
刘应亮 广州市暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
摘要: 采用热分解法和硫熔法分别合成了纳米Y2O2S∶Eu3+和体相Y2O2S∶Eu3+。其中硫氧化钇纳米粒子的制备是以水热法合成的Y(OH)3为前驱体,随后在激活剂和硫的共同作用下焙烧得到的。结果表明,所得Y2O2S∶Eu3+为单一纯相纳米粒子,粒径分布集中,大小约80 nm,而前驱体Y(OH)3为纳米棒状,形貌上的这一巨大变化是由激活剂和硫粉在高温煅烧过程所形成的熔融物的腐蚀作用造成的。荧光光谱分析表明,Eu3+能有效地掺入硫氧化钇基质中,并具有良好的发光性能。此外,还探讨了纳米粒子的形成机理。
关键词: 硫氧化钇  纳米粒子  发光性能  机理
Abstract: This paper reports the preparation process of Y2O2S∶Eu3+ nano-crystals by thermolysis method and the corresponding bulk Y2O2S∶Eu3+ by conventional sulfur flux method. Nano-crystals Y2O2S∶Eu3+ were synthesised by calcining the rod-like Y(OH)3 precursor, obtained from hydrothermal method, with co-activator and S powder. The results show that both bulk and nano-crystals Y2O2S∶Eu3+ are with pure phase, hexagonal crystal structure. The hydrothermally prepared Y(OH)3 is in a rod-like morphology, while the calcined Y2O2S∶Eu3+ are narrow distributed nano-crystals, with an average size of 80 nm. The morphological change can be explained by the etching effect of the flux formed by the carbonate and S powder during high temperature calcination. It is concluded that Eu3+ could be effectively incorporated into yttrium oxysulfides and therefore shows good luminescent properties from the excitation and emission spectra. Besides, the mechanism is discussed too.
Keywords: yttrium oxysulfide  nano-crystals  luminescent properties  mechanism
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