大孔SiO2/ATO电极的制备及其电化学性能研究 |
Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Macroporous ATO/SiO2 Electrode |
摘要: 以大孔SiO2为载体, 通过SnCl2/SbCl3的乙二醇溶液的浸渍,孔道内两步水解和高温煅烧等处理,制备出大尺寸大孔径的ATO/SiO2导电材料,用SEM﹑FTIR﹑XRD﹑XPS对其进行结构表征,用稳态极化和苯胺电化学聚合研究其电化学特性。结果表明,ATO以10 nm尺寸的微粒形式均匀致密的负载在SiO2薄层上,电导率随ATO含量的增加而提高,负载三次后的体积电阻是18 Ω·cm,比表面积达到77 m2·g-1。ATO/SiO2大孔电极在酸性和中性条件下分别具有2.5和2.2 V的析氧电位。SiO2/ATO电极在恒电流下可以使苯胺发生电氧化聚合,并在ATO表面覆盖上聚苯胺导电膜,循环伏安实验表明聚苯胺具有电活性,并且电信号随着电极润湿程度的增加而增加,表明大孔电极的高比表面积对电化学反应有促进作用。 |
关键词: 二氧化硅载体 导电氧化物 大孔电极 电化学性质 |
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Abstract: Macroporous ATO/SiO2 conductive materials were prepared in large size by immersing macroporous SiO2 supports into a mixed solution of SnCl2/SbCl3 in ethylene glycol, a subsequent two-step in-situ hydrolysis and the final calcination at high temperature. The structure of the obtained material was characterized by means of SEM, FTIR, XRD and XRS. The electrochemical behavior was investigated by the steady polarization and electrochemical polymerization of aniline. The results showed that ATO formed nano-particles in an even size of 10 nm and packed closely on the SiO2 thin layer. The conductivity increased with the content of ATO in the composite material, after three times of loading the volume resistance was measured to be 18 Ω·cm and the specific surface area was 77 m2·g-1. The macroporous ATO/SiO2 anode showed an oxygen evolution potential in acidic and neutral conditons of 2.5 V and 2.2 V respectively. Aniline could be polymerized by the galvanostatic electropolymerization method and deposited on the ATO/SiO2 electrode. Cyclic voltammetry experiments showed electrical activity of the deposited polyaniline, the electrical signal increased as the electrode was immersed in H2SO4 for longer time, which indicated that a larger surface area provided a higher rate of electrochemical reaction on the macroporous electrode. |
Keywords: SiO2 support conductive oxide macroporous electrode electrochemical properties |
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李文丽,张瑞丰,王文钦,叶 剑.大孔SiO2/ATO电极的制备及其电化学性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(8):1382-1388. |
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