0.1%Pt-0.02%Pd/Stainless Steel Monolith Catalyst: Catalytic Oxidation of Acetone and Thermal Stability
张 婷 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
陈 敏 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
高园园 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
郑小明 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
摘要: 制备了0.1%Pt-0.02%Pd/不锈钢整体催化剂。选取不锈钢为该催化剂的载体,可克服传统γ-Al2O3和堇青石蜂窝载体热稳定性差的缺点。采用阳极氧化技术在不锈钢上自生长了结构致密的多孔阳极氧化膜,并在其上负载Pt和Pd制备得到挥发性有机物(VOCs)净化催化剂。结果表明,经500、800和1 000 ℃不同温度焙烧后,该催化剂完全氧化丙酮的温度分别为160、160和200 ℃。该催化剂表现出以下优点:(a) 高温稳定性能好;(b) 低温催化活性高;(c) 贵金属负载量低。通过SEM和EDX等技术对该催化剂的结构及活性组分分散情况进行了表征。
关键词: 阳极氧化  丙酮氧化  不锈钢整体催化剂  催化燃烧
Abstract: Stainless steel monolith was chosen as catalyst support to overcome the drawbacks of poor thermal stability with catalysts using traditional γ-Al2O3 and cordierite honeycomb as the substrate. During the catalyst preparation process, anodic oxidation technique was used to produce a porous membrane over the support surface, leading to effective dispersion of platinum and palladium on stainless steel monolith. The results show that the temperature for the total oxidation of acetone is 160, 160 and 200 ℃, respectively, with the catalyst calcined at 500, 800 and 1 000 ℃. The role of porous membrane over the stainless steel monolith surface is important for fixing active components of platinum and palladium particles, which leads to the enhanced catalytic activity for total acetone oxidation. This 0.1%Pt-0.02%Pd/stainless steel monolith catalyst exhibits the following advantages: a) high temperature stability in the whole temperature range investigated(500~1 000 ℃), b) better catalytic activity than those platinum and palladium supported catalysts over γ-Al2O3 and cordierite honeycomb support previously reported, c) low metal loading of platinum and palladium components(0.1wt%Pt and 0.02wt%Pd). The microstructures, surface dispersion condition of platinum and palladium active components were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and energy- dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX).
Keywords: anodic oxidation technique  acetone oxidation  stainless steel monolith catalyst  catalytic combustion
摘要点击次数:  1648
全文下载次数:  1967
张 婷,陈 敏,高园园,郑小明.0.1%Pt-0.02%Pd/不锈钢整体催化剂上丙酮氧化性能及稳定性(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(8):1370-1374.
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