乙二醇辅助水热法制备不同形貌的CaTiO3/CaTiO3∶Pr微晶 |
Ethylene Glycol Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of CaTiO3/CaTiO3∶Pr |
摘要: 对乙二醇存在下水热法制备CaTiO3微晶的形貌进行了研究。对所得样品用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、热重分析及红外光谱(FTIR)进行了表征。结果表明,制备的CaTiO3微晶随着乙二醇和水配比的不同,可以形成立方体、三维十字架形及正十二面体等规整的外形。乙二醇在晶粒表面的配位吸附对这些不同形貌的形成有决定的作用。所得样品粒度分布均匀,基本不团聚。掺杂少量Pr3+离子后对样品的微观形貌基本不影响,在200 ℃低温水热获得的CaTiO3∶Pr样品就有明显的荧光和长余辉发光性能。样品在900 ℃煅烧后其外形并不发生变化,也不会团聚,但发光性质得到大幅度提高。 |
关键词: CaTiO3 水热法 乙二醇 |
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Abstract: The morphology of hydrothermal synthesized CaTiO3 in the presence of ethylene glycol was studied. The samples were characterized with X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and FTIR. CaTiO3 micro-crystal with various morphology, such as cube, three-dimensional cross and dodecahedron, can be achieved. The morphology was mainly affected by the different ratios of ethylene glycol and water. Preferential adsorption of ethylene glycol on the grain surface is believed to result in the different morphology. The samples give good dispersion properties and almost no aggregation. Obvious fluorescence and long afterglow can be observed in CaTiO3∶Pr3+ samples hydrothermal synthesized at temperature as low as 200 ℃. The samples can keep their original morphology and dispersion property after calcined at 900 ℃, while the fluorescence and long afterglow greatly increased. |
Keywords: CaTiO3 hydrothermal ethylene glycol |
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杨丽丽,邹少瑜,王 荣,孟建新.乙二醇辅助水热法制备不同形貌的CaTiO3/CaTiO3∶Pr微晶[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(8):1345-1348. |
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