氧离子导体La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9的合成及电性能研究 |
Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Oxide-Ion Conductor La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9 |
摘要: 采用固相法首次合成了氧离子导体La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9陶瓷样品,进行了XRD、SEM表征,用交流阻抗谱、氧浓差电池等电化学方法研究了样品在450~850 ℃下的离子导电性。结果表明,该陶瓷样品具有立方相La2Mo2O9结构,掺杂5 %的Sc3+能有效地抑制La2Mo2O9在大约580 ℃时的相变;在氧化性气氛中是纯的氧离子导体,而在还原性气氛中为氧离子与电子的混合导体,850 ℃时的氧离子电导率为0.04 S·cm-1。 |
关键词: La2Mo2O9 La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9 氧离子导体 氧浓差电池 电导率 |
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Abstract: Ceramic sample of La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9 was synthesized via a conventional high-temperature solid-state reaction for the first time and characterized by XRD and SEM. The ionic conduction in the samples was investigated by AC impedance spectra, oxygen concentration cell at 450~850 ℃. The ceramic sample has a cubic phase structure of La2Mo2O9, indicating that Sc doping content of 5% in Mo-sites could effectively suppress the phase transition around 580 ℃. In oxidizing atmosphere, the sample was a pure oxide ionic conductor, whereas in reducing atmosphere was a mixed oxide ionic and electronic conductor. An oxide-ionic conductivity of 0.04 S·cm-1 was observed at 850 ℃. |
Keywords: La2Mo2O9 La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9 oxide ionic conductor oxygen concentration cell conductivity |
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李亚东,刘进伟,王小稳,尹金玲,徐建红,马桂林.氧离子导体La2Mo1.9Sc0.1O9的合成及电性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(6):1066-1070. |
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