Preparation and Modification of ZnS-AgInS2 Quantum Dots
齐翠茶 北京理工大学生命学院北京 100081 
何子剑 北京理工大学生命学院北京 100081 
谢海燕 北京理工大学生命学院北京 100081 
摘要: 通过热裂解法以油胺为配体制备了ZnS-AgInS2量子点。产物荧光性质好,通过改变Zn、Ag、In元素的比例可发射从红色到蓝色的荧光,荧光量子产率可以达到15%;其晶体结构和分散性好,粒径均匀(约为4 nm)。分别采用两种不同的配体取代法将油溶性ZnS-AgInS2量子点修饰为水相性,发现羧甲基聚乙二醇硫醇(CM-PEG-SH)和巯基丙酸共修饰得到的产物比经巯基乙酸修饰得到的产物具有更好的荧光性质和稳定性,前者的荧光量子产率可达到10%,且连续2个月的检测结果表明其荧光强度随着放置时间的延长而增强。考察了常见阳离子对CM-PEG-SH和巯基丙酸共修饰产物荧光性质的影响,初步探讨了其影响机理。
关键词: ZnS-AgInS2量子点  制备  修饰  猝灭
Abstract: Oleylamine-capped ZnS-AgInS2 Quantum Dots(QDs) were prepared by thermal decomposition of (AgIn)xZn2(1-x)(S2CN(C2H5)2)4. The product was of good monodispersivity, crystal structure and PL properties such as high quantum yield up to 15% and color adjustable by changing the fraction of Zn、Ag、In. Water soluble ZnS-AgInS2 QDs were prepared through two ligand-exchange methods, of which one replaces oleylamine with carboxymethyl-PEG-thiol and 3-mercaptopropionic acid simultaneously, and the other with mercaptoacetic acid. The hydrophilic ZnS-AgInS2 QDs prepared by the former method were of much better PL properties and stability, and the quantum yield could reach 10%, besides,the fluorescence intensity strengthened along with the extension of storage time. The influence of common cations on the PL of the QDs modified by the former method and the mechanism were also studied.
Keywords: ZnS-AgInS2 QDs  preparation  modification  quenching
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