Preparation of Nanocrystalline TiO2 by Sol-Gel-Method at Room Temperature
陈志君 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室材料科学与工程系杭州 310027 
赵高凌 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室材料科学与工程系杭州 310027 
李 红 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室材料科学与工程系杭州 310027 
张俊娟 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室材料科学与工程系杭州 310027 
宋 斌 浙江大学理学院物理系杭州 310027 
韩高荣 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室材料科学与工程系杭州 310027 
摘要: 从含过量水的溶胶出发,在室温下得到了TiO2纳米晶。通过红外光谱,透射电子显微镜法和X射线粉末衍射法对含有过量水的溶胶体系中TiO2纳米晶的室温形成机理进行了研究。与传统的溶胶凝胶法相比,在改良的溶胶凝胶体系中,在缩聚反应之前由于水过量使得钛的先驱体快速且充分的水解,从而生成[TiO6]基团,随之形成TiO2纳米晶。晶粒的尺寸为约3.5 nm,该法得到的TiO2纳米晶比传统溶胶凝胶法得到的TiO2纳米晶和商用光催化剂德固赛P25具有更好的光催化活性。
关键词: TiO2纳米晶  改良的溶胶凝胶体系  机理  光催化活性
Abstract: Nanocrystalline titania(TiO2) particles were obtained at room temperature by a modified sol-gel method starting from a solution with large amount of water. The nanocrystalline TiO2 particles prepared with large amount of water at room temperature were characterized by IR, TEM and XRD. Comparing with conventional sol-gel method, the present system offers quick and complete hydrolysis of titanium precursor before polycondensation,thus resulting in [TiO6] units, and the formation of nanocrystalline TiO2 particles with an average grain size of 3.5 nm. Moreover, the as-prepared nanocrystalline TiO2 powders exhibit a better photocatalytic activity than both of the powders prepared by conventional sol-gel method and the commercial photocatalyst Degussa P25.
Keywords: nanocrystalline TiO2  modified sol-gel method  mechanism  photocatalytic activity
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陈志君,赵高凌,李 红,张俊娟,宋 斌,韩高荣.低温下溶胶凝胶法制备TiO2纳米晶(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(5):860-866.
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