Evaluation of Kaolinite Intercalation Efficiency
王林江 有色金属及材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室桂林理工大学桂林 541004
桂林理工大学材料科学与工程学院桂林 541004 
谢襄漓 桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院桂林 541004 
陈南春 桂林理工大学材料科学与工程学院桂林 541004 
胡存杰 桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院桂林 541004 
摘要: 用基于X射线衍射分析(XRD)的插层率、基于热重分析(TGA)的热失重率和基于红外光谱分析(FTIR)的3 600 cm-1谱带与3 700 cm-1谱带强度比值对高岭石/二甲基亚砜(DMSO)插层复合物和高岭石/N-甲基甲酰胺(NMF)插层复合物的插层效率进行了综合评价。结果表明,当插层反应进行到1、6和25 d,高岭石/DMSO的插层率分别为5%、52%和89%;而高岭石/NMF的插层率则分别为93%、94%和95%。与此同时,高岭石/DMSO的热失重率分别为1.06%、8.06%和17.46%;而高岭石/NMF的失重率分别为6%、6.5%和14.2%。在红外光谱图中,高岭石/DMSO复合物的3 600与3 700 cm-1带强度比分别为1.03,1.141和1.628,而高岭石/NMF复合物分别为1.403,1.433和1.612。3种评价方法显示很好的一致性,相对而言,在插层作用的初期,XRD方法比较灵敏,而在插层作用的后期,TGA和FTIR方法则显得更为灵敏和有效。
关键词: 高岭石  插层效率  综合评价
Abstract: The intercalation efficiency of kaolinite/dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) and kaolinite/N-methyl formamide(NMF) was evaluated by intercalation ratio from XRD, weight loss from TGA and intensity ratio of 3 600 to 3 700 cm-1 from FTIR. The results show that, for the 1, 6 and 25 d intercalation compounds, the intercalation ratio of kaolinite/DMSO is 5%, 52% and 89%, respectively, and 93%, 94% and 95%, respectively, for kaolinite/NMF intercalation, the weight loss of kaolinite/DMSO is 1.06%, 8.06% and 17.46%, while that of kaolinite/NMF intercalation is 6%, 6.5% and 14.2%, respectively, the intensity ratio of 3 600 to 3 700 cm-1 for kaolinite/DMSO is 1.03, 1.141 and 1.628, reapectively, and 1.403, 1.433 and 1.612 for kaolinite/NMF intercalation. The results from three different evaluation methods are agreed well. The XRD method is more sensitive than TGA and FTIR at low intercalation stage, however, when the intercalation increases, TGA and FTIR methods become more sensitive than XRD method.
Keywords: kaolinite  intercalation efficiency  comprehensive evaluation
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