Preparation and Characterization of Al2O3-Coated Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 Composite Powders
王 通 西北工业大学材料学院西安 710072 
高 峰 西北工业大学材料学院西安 710072 
胡国辛 西北工业大学材料学院西安 710072 
刘亮亮 西北工业大学材料学院西安 710072 
李 博 西北工业大学材料学院西安 710072 
田长生 西北工业大学材料学院西安 710072 
摘要: 采用液相包覆法制备了Al2O3包覆的Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3复合粉体。通过SEM,TEM,TG-DSC,XRD,XPS和ζ电位测试对包覆前后粉体的表面形貌、组织结构、等电点进行了测试和分析。结果表明:Al2O3以无定形结构成功的包覆在Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3粉体表面,形成了Ba-O-Al、Sr-O-Al和Ti-O-Al键,Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3颗粒的等电点由包覆前的pH=3.2增大至pH=8。
关键词: 钛酸锶钡  氧化铝  表面包覆  复合粉体
Abstract: Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3-Al2O3(BSTO-Al2O3) composite powder was prepared by liquid-phase cladding process. The surface morphology, structure and the zeta potential of uncoated and alumina-coated BSTO powder were characterized by SEM, TEM, TG-DSC, XRD,XPS and Malvern Instruments Zetasize Systems. The results indicate that the alumina nanofilms exist in amorphous hydrated alumina phase and anchor at the surfaces of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 particles via Ba-O-Al、Sr-O-Al and Ti-O-Al bonding, the Isoelectric point(IEP) of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 particle shifts from pH=3.2 to pH=8.
Keywords: barium strontium titanate  aluminum oxide  surface coating  composite powders
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王 通,高 峰,胡国辛,刘亮亮,李 博,田长生.Al2O3包覆Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3复合粉体制备及表征[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(5):811-816.
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