碱式氯化镁5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O的制备与表征 |
Preparation and Characterization of Basic Magnesium Chloride 5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O |
摘要: 以氨水和盐湖盛产的水氯镁石为原料经过两步反应制备碱式氯化镁。第一步,水氯镁石和氨水反应制备氢氧化镁;第二步,利用氢氧化镁和水氯镁石,通过水热反应得到了具有纤维形貌、结晶较好的碱式氯化镁。应用化学分析、XRD、SEM和FIIR等手段对产物进行测试与表征。化学分析结果表明产物组成为5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O。将得到的5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O和碱式氯化镁系列标准XRD图对照,未有较好的匹配,且结合化学分析和已报道碱式硫酸镁具有5Mg(OH)2·MgSO4·3H2O物相,因而推测其为新物相;SEM图中5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O纤维直径约为0.4 μm,平均长度大于24 μm,长径比大于60;FTIR图谱中3 419 cm-1附近出现了氢键的O-H伸缩振动吸收峰,1 635 cm-1附近出现了游离水中H-O-H的弯曲振动吸收峰。水热合成的5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O和常压下的产物相比直径较小,晶形更完整,强度更高。 |
关键词: 碱式氯化镁 水氯镁石 水热合成 |
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Abstract: Basic magnesium chloride with excellent crystal phase was prepared via hydrothermal synthesis using bischofite from salt lakes and ammonia. The product was obtained by two steps: (1) bischofite reacted with ammonia to form magnesium hydroxide; (2) the thus obtained magnesium hydroxide hydrothermally reacted with bischofite to form basic magnesium chloride, whose properties were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD, SEM and FTIR. The product has a composition of 5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O as suggested by chemical analysis. The XRD pattern of the product can not match well with the standard PDF card, suggesting a new phase of 5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O. The sample has a diameter of 0.4 μm, a mean length above 24 μm and an aspect ratio over 60 according to SEM analysis. FTIR analysis identifies an absorption band of hydrogen bonds O-H stretching vibration at 3 419 cm-1 and a free water H-O-H bending vibration absorption band at 1 635 cm-1, respectively. The 5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O prepared by this method features smaller diameter, better crystal phase and higher strength compared to those prepared under atmospheric pressure. |
Keywords: basic magnesium chloride bischofite hydrothermal synthesis |
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庞玉娜,乌志明,周 园,王宏宾.碱式氯化镁5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·3H2O的制备与表征[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(5):807-810. |
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