Synthesis of Porphyrin Modified with Nicotinic Acid and Studies on the Fluorescence Properties of Axial Coordination Reaction
王树军 廊坊师范学院化学与材料科学学院廊坊 065000 
彭玉苓 廊坊师范学院化学与材料科学学院廊坊 065000 
周学文 廊坊师范学院化学与材料科学学院廊坊 065000 
摘要: 本文合成了2种含有烟酸分子修饰的自由卟啉p-(niacin)C2O-TPP和o-(niacin)C2O-TPP及其锌配合物p-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn和o-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn。通过元素分析、紫外-可见光谱、核磁共振氢谱、红外光谱、荧光光谱等多种谱图对结构进行了表征,并结合理论计算搜索了锌卟啉的最低能量构象。同时,利用荧光光谱滴定法测定了这两种金属锌卟啉与咪唑类客体进行轴向配位反应的光谱性质。实验结果表明,(1) 金属卟啉p-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn和o-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn中尾式侧链的不同位置对发色团卟啉环的电子云分布造成了不同程度的影响,在溶液中o-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn尾式侧链中的吡啶环与卟啉环之间存在Zn-N间的配位作用;(2) 2种锌卟啉与咪唑类客体形成的轴配体系均具有荧光猝灭的性质。
关键词: 烟酸  锌卟啉  轴向配位反应  荧光猝灭
Abstract: Two kinds of porphyrins [p-(niacin)C2O-TPP, o-(niacin)C2O-TPP] and p-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn, o-(niacin)C2O -TPPZn modified with nicotinic acid were designed, synthesized and characterized by elementary analysis, UV-Vis, 1H NMR, IR and fluorescence spectrum, the conformations of Zn porphyrins were sought by theoretical calculation method. And then, the fluorescence properties of axial coordination reaction were studied by means of fluorescence spectrum between two kinds of Zn porphyrins and imidazoles derivatives. The experimental results showed: (1) it was found that there was different effect on electron distributing in porphyrin ring because of the change of position of the side chain in p-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn and o-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn, the Zn-N axial coordination interaction existed between the pyridine ring in side chain and porphyrin plane of the o-(niacin)C2O-TPPZn in solution; (2) the fluorescence quenching was exhibited in the system of axial coordination reaction between Zn porphyrins and imidazoles derivatives.
Keywords: nicotinic acid  Zn porphyrin  axial coordination reaction  fluorescence quenching
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