Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of Visible-Light-Sensitive Fe Doped TiO2 Hollow Microspheres
常 琳 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
刘晶冰 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
王金淑 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
张文熊 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
摘要: 以聚苯乙烯微球作为模板,水溶性过氧化钛配合物作为前驱体一步合成了掺铁TiO2中空微球,并利用XRD,SEM,TEM,XPS,UV-Vis等测试手段对样品进行了表征。结果表明,一步法制备的掺铁TiO2中空微球以锐钛矿相存在且具有良好的中空结构,掺杂少量铁到体系中,改变了其电子结构,使其吸收波长拓展到可见光区。光催化降解亚甲基蓝溶液的结果表明,掺杂0.75%铁的TiO2中空微球表现出更好的光催化性能。对Fe3+影响光催化活性的机理进行了讨论。
关键词: 二氧化钛  掺铁  中空微球  可见光响应
Abstract: Fe-doped TiO2 microspheres with hollow interiors were prepared using polystyrene latex particles as the template and peroxo-titanium complex as the precursor. The resulting samples are characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS and UV-Vis. The results reveal that the Fe-doped TiO2 hollow microspheres show pure anatase phase and have a good hollow structure. When adding a concentration of Fe into the system, the electronic structures changed and obviously enhance the absorption in the visible light region. TiO2 hollow microspheres with 0.75% Fe dosage exhibited the superior photocatalytic activity for the decomposition of methylene blue under visible-light irradiation. The possible photocatalytic mechanism is proposed.
Keywords: titania  hollow microsphere  visible-light-sensitive photocatalyst  Fe doping
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常 琳,刘晶冰,王金淑,张文熊.可见光响应的铁掺杂TiO2中空微球的制备及其光催化性能[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(5):744-748.
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