Mixed Valence Iron Formate {[NH4][FeFe(CHOO)6]}: A Molecule-Based Ferrimagnet Showing Temperature Compensation Behavior
田运齐 辽宁师范大学功能材料化学研究所大连 116029 
么世岩 辽宁师范大学功能材料化学研究所大连 116029 
郭云军 南京大学固体微结构实验室南京 210093 
宋 友 南京大学化学化工学院配位化学国家重点实验室微结构国家实验室(筹)南京 210093 
张 高 辽宁师范大学功能材料化学研究所大连 116029 
摘要: 通过溶剂热的方法合成了一个具有nia拓扑结构混合价的甲酸铁铵盐,并对其进行了单晶结构和磁性表征,该化合物不仅在TN=37.2 K以下显示亚铁磁体的性质,还在大约28 K出现温度补偿磁性行为。本文首次用分子场理论对该磁体的温度补偿行为和磁结构相关性进行了详细的讨论与分析。
关键词: 亚铁磁体  甲酸配合物    温度补偿
Abstract: A mixed valence iron formate {[NH4][FeFe(CHOO)6]} (1) with nia topology was prepared under solv-othermal condition and structurally characterized by X-ray single crystal analysis. The results show that the title compound exhibits not only the ferrimagnetic nature with TN=37.2 K, but also magnetization sign inversion at the so-called compensation temperature ~28 K. The ferrimagnetic properties with temperature compensation behavior corresponding to definite single crystal structure are, for the first time, discussed in detail by molecular field theory. CCDC: 725225.
Keywords: ferrimagnet  formate complex  iron  temperature compensation
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田运齐,么世岩,郭云军,宋 友,张 高.一个具有温度补偿磁行为的分子基亚铁磁体:混合价甲酸铁铵(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(3):385-390.
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