A Novel d-f Heterodinuclear Complex: Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Magnetic Property of [Fe(phen)3]2[FeCe(tiron)3]·6H2O
解庆范 泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院泉州 362000 
陈延民 泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院泉州 362000 
黄妙龄 泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院泉州 362000 
摘要: 硝酸铁,硝酸铈,邻菲咯啉(phen)和钛铁试剂(Tiron)通过水热方法合成了一种d-f异双核配合物 [Fe(phen)3]2[FeCe(tiron)3]·6H2O,tiron=C6H2O8S2。X-射线单晶衍射分析表明,晶体属立方晶系,P213空间群,晶胞参数为:a=2.194 09(4) nm,V=10.562 4(3) nm3,Z=4,F(000)=4 648,R1=0.045 1,wR2=0.107 7,S=1.072。在具有C3对称性的[FeCe(tiron)3]6-单元中,Fe(Ⅲ)与6个酚氧配位形成一个反三棱柱配位多面体,Ce(Ⅲ)则与3个桥联的酚氧μ2-O和3个磺酸基的氧形成另一个与FeO6共用底面的反三棱柱配位多面体CeO6。配阳离子通过phen-phen之间的π-π相互作用和与配阴离子间的静电引力等作用组装成一种三角梅状准主/客体型的超分子。在2~300 K温度范围内测试了配合物的变温磁化率,结果表明, Ce(Ⅲ)-Fe(Ⅲ)之间存在典型的反铁磁性相互作用。
关键词:   钛铁试剂  异双核配合物  晶体结构  水热合成
Abstract: A d-f heterodinuclear complexes [Fe(phen)3]2[FeCe(tiron)3]·6H2O (tiron=C6H2O8S3) was isolated from the hydrothermal reaction of Ce(NO3)3·6H2O, Fe(NO3)3·9H2O, 1,10-phenanthroline and 4,5-dihydroxybenzene-1,3-disul-fonate, and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV, TG and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The complex crystallized in the cubic system, space group P213 with the cell parameters: a=2.194 09(4) nm, V=10.562 4(3) nm3, Z=4, F(000)=4 648, R1=0.045 1, wR2=0.107 7, S=1.07. In [FeCe(tiron)3]6- unit with symmetry of C3 was revealed that the Fe3+ ion is in a FeO6 distorted trigonal anti-prism coordination polyhedron completed by six phenolate O atoms from three tiron- ligands, and Ce3+ in a CeO6 distorted trigonal anti-prism coordination polyhedron completed by three phenolate μ2-O atoms and three O atoms from sulfonic group of three ligands. The [Fe(phen)3]3+ cations and [FeCe(tiron)3]6- anions via π-π interaction between phen ligands and electric attraction between cations and anions was assembled into pseudo Host-guest type supramolecule in bougainvillea glabra-like. The magnetic properties of the complex has been determined in the temperature range 2~300 K, indicating that the antiferro-magnetic interaction between the central Ce(Ⅲ)-Fe(Ⅲ) ions. CCDC: 728509.
Keywords: cerium  tiron  heterodinuclear complex  crystal structure  hydrothermal synthesis
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