Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Y2O2S∶Yb,Er Upconversion Luminescence Material by Coprecipitation
张俊文 暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
谭宁会 暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系暨南大学纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
满石清 暨南大学电子系广州 510632 
摘要: 采用沉淀法在不同温度下合成了纳米上转换发光材料Y2O2S∶Yb,Er,运用XRD、TEM和上转换发光光谱对其进行表征。结果表明,使用该法在700℃即能合成纳米上转换发光材料Y2O2S∶Yb,Er,随着合成温度的升高,产物的粒径从60到120 nm逐渐增大。上转换发光光谱显示该材料主要有2个发射带,其中红光发射的中心波长位于668 nm,绿光发射的中心波长位于525和550 nm。此外,对材料的上转换发光过程进行了探讨。
关键词: 沉淀法  上转换发光  能量传递
Abstract: The up-conversion luminescence material yttrium oxysulfide doped with Yb3+/Er3+ was systhesized by coprecipitation method followed by subsequent thermal decomposition in presence of sulphur. The products were characterized by XRD, up-conversion luminescence spectra and TEM. The XRD results indicate that the synthesis temperature is up to 700 ℃. And from the TEM, the average diameter of particles is in the range of 60~120 nm, and augmented with the increase of temperature. The materials under 980 nm laser excitation presents strong green emission related to 2H11/2, 4S3/24I15/2 Er transitions as well as the red ones, 4F9/24I15/2. The upconversion mechanism is discussed too.
Keywords: coprecipitation  upconversion luminescence  energy transfer
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