TiO2 Photocatalytic Deactivation and Regeneration vs Adsorbed NO3- Concentration
周忠华 厦门大学材料学院厦门 361005 
黄 悦 日本科发伦材料株式会社东京 141-0032日本 
孟彦超 厦门大学材料学院厦门 361005 
吴玉萍 厦门大学材料学院厦门 361005 
摘要: 以乙醛作为活性标的,通过人为控制表面附着NO3-浓度,检测TiO2对乙醛的吸附能力和光催化降解能力,得出了TiO2光催化失活复活特性和表面附着NO3-浓度的定量关系。结果表明,表面附着NO3-浓度达到4.24wt%时,光催化降解能力降低50%;表面附着NO3-浓度达到10.50wt%时,TiO2的吸附能力降低50%;通过溢流状态下水洗2 h,可除去98%的表面附着NO3-,使TiO2光催化活性复活。
关键词: TiO2  光催化  NO3-  失活  复活
Abstract: The quantitative relation between deactivation and the adsorbed NO3- concentration was studied by intentionally controlling the adsorbed NO3- concentration. The photolysis ability and adsorption ability of TiO2 was detected against acetaldehyde as a probe. The results show that when the adsorbed NO3- concentration reaches 4.24wt%, photolysis ability decreases 50%; when the adsorbed NO3- concentration is 10.50wt%, the TiO2 adsorption ability decreases 50%; after water overflow-cleaning 2 h, the NO3- is removed by 98% and the photocatalytic activity is regenerated.
Keywords: TiO2  photocatalyst  NO3-  deactivation  regeneration
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周忠华,黄 悦,孟彦超,吴玉萍.TiO2光催化失活复活特性与表面NO3-浓度的关系[J].无机化学学报,2010,26(2):211-216.
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