Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of CdSe
崔 磊 宿迁学院宿迁 223800
南京信息工程大学数理学院南京 210044 
赖小萍 宿迁学院宿迁 223800 
王 帆 宿迁学院宿迁 223800 
顾 斌 南京信息工程大学数理学院南京 210044 
关键词: 闪锌矿结构  态密度  能带结构  密度泛函理论
Abstract: The electronic structure and optical properties of CdSe with blende structure are calculated by means of Plane Wave Pseudo-potential (PWP) and Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) method to obtain its density state, energy band structure and optical absorption properties. The electronic structure is discussed in detail and the band structure and optical properties of the CdSe semiconductor are analyzed qualitatively based on both the experimental and theoretical results.
Keywords: zinc blended structure  density of state  energy band structure  density function
摘要点击次数:  1389
全文下载次数:  3189
崔 磊,赖小萍,王 帆,顾 斌.CdSe的电子结构和光学性质研究[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(10):1885-1888.
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