Construction of One Dimensional Sodium Titanate Nanostructure
彭裕聪 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院广州 510640 
邓文礼 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院广州 510640 
摘要: 以锐钛矿TiO2为起始原料,通过水热法制备了钛酸盐纳米棒,对合成不同长度和宽度的钛酸盐纳米棒的影响和控制条件进行了研究。用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对纳米棒的形貌和结构进行了表征。结果表明水热温度和处理时间能对纳米棒的形貌和结构进行有效的控制,得到理想的钛酸盐的结构。在更高的温度下(200 ℃),钛酸盐纳米管将更快的转化为纳米棒,而随着处理时间的延长,其形貌结构发生有规律的变化。在96 h处理时间后纳米棒束的宽度为50 nm到1 μm,长度可以达到几十微米。对后处理中酸洗对产物的形貌和晶体结构的影响也进行了对比研究,发现在酸洗之前钛酸盐纳米棒结构就已经形成,但是酸洗能使产物的晶体结构产生变化,同时使纳米棒的表面形貌更加光滑规整。最后对比研究原料和产物的紫外-可见吸收光谱,发现纳米管/棒在250至350 nm处有宽带隙吸收。
关键词: 钛酸盐  水热法  合成控制  酸洗
Abstract: Titanate nanotubes and nanoribbons were synthesized hydrothermally, using anatase TiO2 as the starting material. The dependence of titanate nanoribbons length and width on control conditions was studied. The phase structure and the morphology were characterized by XRD and SEM. The results show that the morphology and the structure of titanate nanoribbons are controllable via changing the hydrothermal temperature and treatment duration of the titanate products. At higher temperature of 200 ℃, titanate nanotube are transformed faster to nanoribbons and the morphologies are changed as a function of treatment duration. After the treatment duration goes up to 96 h, bundles of titanate nanoribbons are formed with widths ranging from 50 nm to 1 μm and lengths up to tens of micrometers. Control experiments results show that the nanoribbons are formed before acid wash, but the morphology is more smooth and ordered after wash, and the crystal structure is changed during the acid wash process.
Keywords: titanate nanoribbon  hydrothermal  synthesis control  acid wash
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