Catalytic Effect of NdCoO3 Nanoparticles on the Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate by DSC/TG-MS
余宗学 重庆三峡学院化工系万州 404000
南京理工大学软化学与功能材料教育部重点实验室南京 210094 
江晓红 南京理工大学软化学与功能材料教育部重点实验室南京 210094 
陆路德 南京理工大学软化学与功能材料教育部重点实验室南京 210094 
汪 信 南京理工大学软化学与功能材料教育部重点实验室南京 210094 
摘要: 采用微乳液法制备了立方晶系的NdCoO3纳米晶。利用DSC/TG-MS研究了NdCoO3对AP热分解的催化作用。结果表明,在NdCoO3的催化作用下,AP的热分解反应峰值温度下降了113 ℃,表观分解反应热从655 J·g-1增加到1 363 J·g-1,分解的气相产物主要有NH3,H2O,O2,HCl,N2O,NO,NO2和Cl2。在金属氧化物表面吸附生成超氧化离子(O2-)和氧离子(O-,O2-),这是加速AP分解反应的主要原因。加入NdCoO3催化AP热分解,由于对氨的氧化深度不同而导致分解放热量的增加。
关键词: NdCoO3  高氯酸铵  催化  热分解  TG-MS
Abstract: Cubic structural perovskite NdCoO3 nanocrystals were prepared by microemulsion method. The catalytic effect of the NdCoO3 for thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (AP) was investigated by DSC and TG-MS. The results revealed that the NdCoO3 nanoparticles had effective catalysis on the thermal decomposition of AP. Adding 2% of NdCoO3 nanoparticles to AP decreased the temperature of thermal decomposition by 113 ℃ and increased the heat of decomposition from 655 J·g-1 to 1 363 J·g-1. Gaseous products of thermal decomposition of AP were NH3, H2O, O2, HCl, N2O, NO, NO2 and Cl2. The mechanism of catalytic action was based on the presence of superoxide ion (O2-) and oxygenic ion (O-, O2-) on the surface of NdCoO3, and the difference of thermal decomposition of AP with 2% of NdCoO3 and pure AP was mainly caused by the different extent of oxidation of ammonium.
Keywords: NdCoO3 nanoparticles  ammonium perchlorate  catalytic activity  thermal decomposition  thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry
摘要点击次数:  1767
全文下载次数:  2352
余宗学,江晓红,陆路德,汪 信.纳米NdCoO3催化高氯酸铵热分解的DSC/TG-MS研究[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(10):1747-1752.
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