Synthesis and Photochromism of a Novel Photomagnetic Copper(Ⅱ) Complex with Dithienylethene Ligand
韩 晶 西安理工大学材料物理与化学系西安 710048 
余 中 西安理工大学应用化学系西安 710048 
白力静 西安理工大学材料物理与化学系西安 710048 
赵高扬 西安理工大学材料物理与化学系西安 710048 
宗像惠 近畿大学化学科東大阪 577-8502日本 
摘要: 合成了一个新颖的金属铜和1,2-双(2′-甲基-5′-(4″-吡啶基)-3′-噻吩) 全氟代环戊烯 (BM-4-PTP)配合物,并用红外、核磁共振、元素分析进行了表征。研究了配合物在晶体相的光致变色性质和磁性性质。在光激发下,配合物[Cu(BM-4-PTP)2(CF3COO)2](THF)2(H2O)2(1)在晶体相显示出可逆的光异构反应。有趣的是,伴随着光致变色反应,配合物1的开环体(1o)和闭环体(1c)在晶体相还显示出磁性差异,1o1c的磁化率可逆地发生变化,说明由于开环异构体和闭环异构体的π共轭结构不同,通过配体BM-4-PTP桥联的铜离子之间的相互作用可以被光引发。
关键词: 二噻吩乙烯  光致变色  光磁性  配合物
Abstract: One novel copper complex with 1,2-bis(2′-methyl-5′-(4″-pyridyl)-3′-thienyl) perfluorocyclopentene (BM-4-PTP) was synthesized and characterized by IR, NMR and elemental analysis. The photochtomic and magnetic properties of the copper complex were examined in crystalline state. Upon photoirradiation, [Cu(BM-4-PTP)2(CF3COO)2](THF)2(H2O)2 (1) displayed reversible photoisomerization in crystalline phase. Interestingly, complex 1 also showed reversible photomagnetism between open-form (1o) and closed-form (1c) accompanying the photochromic reaction in crystalline phase. The magnetic susceptibilities of 1o and 1c reversibly changed indicated the copper-copper interaction through the bridging BM-4-TTP is switched upon photoexcitation due to the different π-conjugated bond structures between the open and closed isomers.
Keywords: dithienylethene  photochromism  photomagnetism  complex
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韩 晶,余 中,白力静,赵高扬,宗像惠.一个新颖的光磁性二噻吩乙烯铜配合物的合成和光致变色性质(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(9):1607-1611.
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