Crystal Structures and Properties of Binuclear Cerium(Ⅲ) Complex with Tripodal Heptadentate Schiff Base
解庆范 泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院泉州 362000 
黄妙龄 泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院泉州 362000 
陈延民 泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院泉州 362000 
摘要: 制备了Schiff碱型三足体配体H3Brapi,通过溶剂热方法合成了Ce(Ⅲ)的双核配合物[Ce(Brapi)]2·2DMF,利用元素分析、红外光谱、紫外光谱和荧光光谱等进行了表征,并用X-射线单晶衍射测定了其晶体结构,结果表明,配合物晶体属单斜晶系,P21/n空间群,a=1.166 7(3) nm,b=1.348 29(3) nm,c=2.086 9(5) nm,β=96.314°,Z=2,V=3.263 0(14) nm3Dc=1.849 Mg·m-3R1=0.035 9,wR2=0.103 6。2个配体桥联2个金属形成一种具有反演对称性的夹心式双核结构,其中每个Ce(Ⅲ)的配位环境N4O4都是一种四方反棱柱多面体,Ce-Ce距离为0.397 1 nm。在2~300 K范围内测定了配合物的变温磁化率,结果表明,在配合物中Ce(Ⅲ)离子间存在反铁磁性相互作用。荧光光谱分析表明,配合物的荧光属于L*-L跃迁的发光类型。
关键词: 铈双核配合物  席夫碱  晶体结构  磁性  荧光光谱
Abstract: The binuclear cerium(Ⅲ) complex [Ce(Brapi)]2·2DMF with tripodal heptadentate Schiff base has been synthesized by solvothermal method, which the ligand H3Brapi is 1,3-bis[N-(5-bromo-2- hydroxylbenzylidene)-2-aminoethyl]-2-(5-bromo-2-hydroxyphenyl)imidazolidine. The crystal structure of the complex has been determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction method. Complex [Ce(Brapi)]2·DMF belong to monoclinic, space group P21/n, a=1.166 7(3) nm, b=1.348 29(3) nm, c=2.086 9(5) nm, β=96.314°, Z=2, V=3.263 0(14) nm3, Dc=1.849 Mg·m-3, R1=0.035 9, wR2=0.103 6. The structure of [Ce(Brapi)]2 reveals that the two ligands bridge the two metal ions forming a sandwich structure. The binuclear [Ce(Brapi)]2 has a square antiprismatic geometry around each cerium atom. Each Ce atom is coordinated by an N4O4 donor set, N2O from each ligand and two bridging phenolate O atoms, one from each heptadentate ligand with a Ce-Ce distance of 0.397 1(4) nm. The magnetic properties of the complex has been determined in the temperature range 2~300 K, indicating that the antiferromagnetic interaction between the central Ce<3+ ions. The analyzed result of fluorescent spectrum shows the complex has an emission at 503 nm, which could be assigned to intraligand fluorescence. CCDC: 733131.
Keywords: binuclear cerium complex  Schiff base  crystal structure  magnetic property  fluorescence spectra
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