Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermal Stability of A Platinum-Based Anti-Tumour Drug Nedaplatin
王庆琨 昆明贵金属研究所昆明 650106 
普绍平 昆明贵研药业有限公司昆明 650106昆明理工大学材料与冶金工程学院昆明 650093 
丛艳伟 昆明贵研药业有限公司昆明 650106 
侯树谦 昆明贵金属研究所昆明 650106 
李永年 昆明贵研药业有限公司昆明 650106 
何 键 昆明贵研药业有限公司昆明 650106 
栾春芳 昆明贵研药业有限公司昆明 650106 
摘要: 本文报道了铂族金属抗癌药物奈达铂的一种新合成方法,产率约65%,精品含量超过99%。采用了元素分析、红外光谱、质谱、差热-热重分析和X射线衍射手段对其结构和组成进行了表征。该配合物的晶体属正交晶系,空间群P212121。单晶X射线衍射结构分析结果表明铂(Ⅱ)离子与2个氨分子的氮原子以及乙醇酸羟基和羧基的氧原子配位,形成平面正方形结构,乙醇酸的二价阴离子通过羟基和羧基上的氧原子与铂(Ⅱ)离子配位形成五原子的螯合物。经TG-DTA
关键词: 奈达铂  合成  晶体结构  热稳定性
Abstract: The nedaplatin has been synthesized by a new technique, the yield rate is about 65%, the content of pure product is above 99%. Its structure was characterized by elemental analysis, IR, MS, thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction single crystal structure analysis. Its crystal belongs to orthorhombic space group P212121 with a=0.562 93(6) nm, b=0.728 53(8) nm, c=1.411 07(16) nm. The Pt atom is coordinated by two N atoms of ammine and two O atom of carboxyl group and hydroxy, forming a sqare-planar environment. The glycolate dianion forms a five-membered chelate ring, coordinating to the Pt(Ⅱ) ion not only at an O atom of the carboxyl group but also at the hydroxy. The results of TG-DTA analysis show that the nedaplatin was stable under 180 ℃. CCDC: 706387.
Keywords: nedaplatin  synthesis  crystal structure  thermal stability
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王庆琨,普绍平,丛艳伟,侯树谦,李永年,何 键,栾春芳.奈达铂的新合成方法、晶体结构和热稳定性[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(8):1375-1378.
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