Growth of Carbon Nanofibers on Activated Carbon by Thermal CVD Method
谷建宇 中国科学院山西煤碳化学研究所太原 030021中国科学院研究生院北京 100049 
李开喜 中国科学院山西煤碳化学研究所太原 030021 
刘 越 中国科学院山西煤碳化学研究所太原 030021中国科学院研究生院北京 100049 
摘要: 利用流化床技术,以天然气为碳源,负载于活性炭上的纳米镍粒子为催化剂,在750 ℃下采用化学气相沉积法制备了气相生长纳米碳纤维(VGCNFs)/活性炭(AC)复合物。通过对样品进行XRD、激光拉曼光谱、扫描电镜和氮吸附检测,发现VGCNFs生长在活性炭的各个侧面上,以顶部生长模式为主,纤维的直径在40~120 nm之间,由于粗糙的纤维表面和石墨片层的翘曲而缺陷较多。VGCNFs/AC复合物与原料活性炭相比,BET比表面积从2 367 m2·g-1降到了1 474
关键词: 化学气相沉积; 活性炭  纳米碳纤维  溶胶凝胶法
Abstract: Vapor-grown carbon nanofibers(VGCNFs) with a diameter between 40 and 120 nm were synthesised at 1023K by thermal chemical vapor deposition(CVD) method, using nature gas as carbon resources, and nickle nanoparticle supported on activated carbon(AC) as catalyst. The morphology and structure of the samples grown were characterized by Raman and X-ray diffraction technology(XRD), nitrogen adsorption isotherms, TEM and SEM analysis. It was found that VGCNF, which had many defect because of the rough surface and the contorted graphite layers in fiber, could grow on the every side of AC. Comparing with the raw material AC′s BET surface area of 2 367 m2·g-1, the BET surface area of CNFs/AC fell to 1 474 m2·g-1. The results indicated that CNFs/AC composite with high BET surface area could be produced in a fluidized bed reactor through loading the catalyst on AC by sol-gel method.
Keywords: chemical vapor deposition  vapor grown carbon nanofibers  activated carbon  sol-gel method
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谷建宇,李开喜,刘 越.活性炭上化学气相沉积法生长纳米碳纤维[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(8):1342-1348.
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