Solid State Synthesis and Electrochemical Performances of Al-Co-doping Nano α-Ni(OH)2
庄玉贵 福建师大福清分校福清 350300 
林东风 南开大学新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
陈秀宇 福建师大福清分校福清 350300 
摘要: 固相法合成了不同铝、钴配比的纳米α-Ni0.8CozAl0.2-z(OH)2.2-z-0.5y(CO3)y·xH2O。采用XRD、FTIR、SEM、CT和恒电流充放电等对其组成、晶相结构和电化学性能进行表征和测定。实验表明,掺Co的物质的量分数在5%~8%时有较高的放电比容量、较好的循环稳定性和电极可逆性,
关键词: 纳米  α-Ni(OH)2  掺铝、 钴  固相合成
Abstract: The nano α-Ni(OH)2 of doping different Al and Co ratio were synthesized by solid-state reaction, then their constitution, conformation and electrochemical performance were determined by XRD, FTIR,SEM, CT and gavanostatic charge-discharge test. Furthermore it was found that the α-Ni0.8CozAl0.2-z(OH)2.2-z-0.5y(CO3)y·xH2O(z=0.05~0.08) sample had higher discharge specific capacity, stability and electrode reversibility. The multiple function of Co3+ had fully been displayed in enhancing the conductivity, α phase structure stability. The results are significant to the use of α-Ni(OH)2.
Keywords: nanometer  α-Ni(OH)2  Al-Co-doping  solid state synthesis
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全文下载次数:  2002
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