Preparation and Luminescence Characteristics of BaHfO3∶Ce Nanoparticles by the Process of Solid-State Reaction
尹 凯 沈阳化工学院材料科学与工程学院沈阳 110142
沈阳大学机械工程学院沈阳 110044 
马伟民 沈阳化工学院材料科学与工程学院沈阳 110142 
闻 雷 中国科学院金属研究所沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室沈阳 110016 
沈世妃 沈阳大学机械工程学院沈阳 110044 
王华栋 沈阳大学机械工程学院沈阳 110044 
郭易芬 沈阳大学机械工程学院沈阳 110044 
摘要: 通过固相反应法合成了BaHfO3∶Ce纳米粒子。采用XRD、SEM等手段分析了粉体合成过程的物相变化及形貌特性;用荧光光度计分析了样品的激发和发射光谱。结果表明:混合粉体经1 000 ℃煅烧2 h,合成出近似球形、分散性良好的BaHfO3∶Ce纳米粒子,一次粒径约30 nm。掺杂少量Ce3+离子能引起基质BaHfO3的晶格畸变,并未改变立方晶系结构。BaHfO3∶Ce样品的激发光谱由2个激发峰构成,峰值分别位于396和446 nm处。396 nm波长激发的发射光谱主要由2个发光谱带组成,其峰值分别位于531和591 nm波长处,发光机制对应Ce3+的5d2F5/2和5d2F7/2能级跃迁。用446 nm波长激发时,只有一个宽带发射峰,峰值位于593 nm处,而530 nm附近的峰已趋于平缓。当掺杂Ce3+的物质的量分数为0.9%时,发射峰值达到最大;当Ce3+含量为1.1%时,导致发射峰值强度降低,这是由于Ce3+的浓度猝灭产生的。
关键词: 闪烁体  BaHfO3∶Ce纳米粒子  固相反应法  激发光谱  发射光谱
Abstract: BaHfO3∶Ce nanoparticles were synthesized by the process of solid-state reaction. Both XRD and SEM were adopted to analyze the phase change and the characteristics of BaHfO3∶Ce nano-powders during calcining process. Excitation and emission spectra were analyzed separately with the fluorescence photometer. The result shows that the average diameter of the BaHfO3∶Ce nano-powders being approximate to spherical morphology is about 30 nm and the powders have good dispersibility after calcining at 1 000 ℃ for 2 h. It also shows that there is no change happened on the cubic crystal structure even though a little amount of Ce3+ ion added to the powders can lead to the lattice distortion of BaHfO3 matrix material. The excitation spectrum of BaHfO3: Ce nanoparticles has two excitation peaks separately at 396 nm and 446 nm points. The emission spectrum excited by the 396 nm light consists of two emission bands, peaking at 531 nm and 591 nm, respectively, the emission character of which changes from the 5d2F5/2 to 5d2F7/2 transitions of Ce3+ cation. When the emission spectrum is excited by the 446 nm light, only one wide emission peak at 591 nm point exists and the other one at around 531 nm becomes flat. When the Ce3+ dopant content is 0.9%(molar fraction), the figure of the emission peak reaches its highest point. This figure, however, drops when the Ce3+ dopant content is 1.1%( molar fraction), which is resulted from the concentration quenching.
Keywords: scintillant  BaHfO3∶Ce nanoparticles  solid-state reaction process  excitation spectrum  emission spectrum
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全文下载次数:  2239
尹 凯,马伟民,闻 雷,沈世妃,王华栋,郭易芬.固相反应法制备BaHfO3∶Ce纳米粒子及发光特性[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(7):1248-1253.
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