Synthesis of LiNi0.05Mn1.95O4 and Its Ion-exchange Kinetics for Li+
董殿权 青岛科技大学化工学院青岛 266042 
刘维娜 青岛科技大学化工学院青岛 266042 
刘亦凡 青岛科技大学化工学院青岛 266042 
摘要: 用溶胶-凝胶法合成出尖晶石结构的LiNi0.05Mn1.95O4,用0.5 mol·L-1过硫酸铵对其进行改型,制得锂离子筛LiNiMn-H。LiNiMn-H对Li+的饱和交换容量达5.2 mmol·g-1。用缩核模型(Shrinking-Core Model)处理该离子交换的反应动力学数据得到LiNiMn-H吸附Li+时离子交换反应的控制步骤是颗粒扩散控制(PDC),同时得到了该实验条件下锂离子筛LiNiMn-H吸附Li+的动力学方程和颗粒扩散系数De
关键词: LiNi0.05Mn1.95O4    离子筛  动力学  缩核模型
Abstract: The spinel LiNi0.05Mn1.95O4 was prepared by sol-gel method and the lithium ion-sieve LiNiMn-H was obtained by acid-modifying the available LiNi0.05Mn1.95O4 by 0.5mol·L-1(NH4)2S2O8. The results showed that the saturation capacity of LiNiMn-H for Li+ was 5.2 mmol·g-1 ion-sieve. The kinetics controlled step of LiNiMn-H with Li+ was determined to be particle diffusion control(PDC) by using the shrinking-core model dealing with the dynamics dates of the ion exchange reaction. The different kinetics equations and diffusion coefficients De of LiNiMn-H for Li+ were obtained at the experimental conditions.
Keywords: LiNi0.05Mn1.95O4  lithium  ion-sieve  kinetics  shrinking-core model
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