Copper(Ⅰ) Complex of 1,5-Diselena[5]ferrocenophane: Synthetic, Crystallographic and Electrochemical Study
景 苏 南京工业大学理学院南京 210009
南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室南京 210093 
李志文 南京工业大学理学院南京 210009 
顾诚云 南京工业大学理学院南京 210009 
摘要: 合成了1,5-二硒杂[5]二茂铁环蕃的铜(Ⅰ)配合物,并用X-射线衍射单晶结构分析确定了其结构。配体的较小环径导致与铜离子配位时必须改变构型。电化学研究表明,由于2个二茂铁基团Fe…Fe的化学键距离为1.269(2)~1.277(3) nm,因此存在强电化学联系。
关键词: 1,5-二硒杂[5]二茂铁环蕃    晶体结构  电化学
Abstract: The copper(Ⅰ) complex of 1,5-diselena[5]ferrocenophane (L) has been synthesized and the X-ray crystal structure is reported. The small cavity of the macrocyclic ligand means that the ring must undergo a conformational change to allow coordination. Electrochemical studies showed that electronic communication between ferrocenylene groups was observed in the copper complex where the through-bond Fe…Fe distances are in the range of 1.269(2)~1.277(3) nm. CCDC: 699681.
Keywords: 1,5-diselena[5]ferrocenophane  copper  crystal structure  electrochemistry
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景 苏,李志文,顾诚云.1,5-二硒杂[5]二茂铁环蕃的铜(Ⅰ)配合物的合成、晶体结构和电化学性质研究(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(7):1212-1216.
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