Preparation, Structure and Rheological Behavior of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Fiber Precursor
李呈顺 工程陶瓷重点实验室山东大学材料科学与工程学院济南 250061 
张玉军 工程陶瓷重点实验室山东大学材料科学与工程学院济南 250061 
鹿成洪 鲁阳晶体纤维研究所山东鲁阳股份有限公司淄博 256120 
刘 超 鲁阳晶体纤维研究所山东鲁阳股份有限公司淄博 256120 
摘要: 以铝粉、工业盐酸和醋酸钇为主要原料,水为溶剂,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了钇铝石榴石(YAG)纤维前驱体纺丝原液。采用XRD表征了纺丝液热处理后的物相组成,采用27Al核磁共振、FTIR和旋转流变仪分别研究了纺丝液的结构、红外吸收特性和流变学行为。结果表明,在900 ℃下热处理可以得到单一的钇铝石榴石晶相。通过27Al核磁共振和红外吸收光谱的变化分析了YAG溶胶的形成机理,认为YAG溶胶是由体系内活性羟基的缩聚反应而生成的线性结构的胶体。YAG纺丝液的纺丝性依赖于其流变性和粘度,具有纺丝性能的胶体为剪切变稀的假塑性流体,粘度在2~4 Pa·s。研究了纺丝液的非牛顿指数与含水量的关系,纺丝性能最好的胶体的非牛顿指数为0.78。
关键词: 溶胶-凝胶法  钇铝石榴石纤维  纺丝液  流变性  非牛顿指数
Abstract: Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) fiber precursor was prepared by sol-gel method, using aluminum powders, HCl and acetic acid as raw materials, water as solution. The phase composition, structure, infrared absorption property and rheological behavior were analyzed using comprehensive methods such as XRD, 27Al NMR, FTIR and physical and rheology testing. The results were shown that phase-pure YAG could be form at 900 ℃. The formation mechanism of YAG sols were studied by the changes of 27Al NMR and FTIR spectra, which YAG sols were of linear structural sols formed by condensation polymerization between active hydroxyls. The spinnability of YAG precursor was related to the rheological behavior and viscosity of sols. The sols exhibited spinning when they were pseudoplastic fluid with shear thinning property. Relationships between water content and non-Newtonian index were also investigated, which non-Newtonian index of the best spinnable precursor was 0.78.
Keywords: sol-gel  yttrium aluminum garnet fiber  spinning solution  rheology  non-newtonian index
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李呈顺,张玉军,鹿成洪,刘 超.钇铝石榴石纤维纺丝原液的制备及结构与流变性研究[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(4):623-628.
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