Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Co, Ni and CoNi Alloy Nanowire Arrays
徐 怡 河海大学材料科学与工程学院南京 210098 
徐金霞 河海大学材料科学与工程学院南京 210098 
蒋林华 河海大学材料科学与工程学院南京 210098 
摘要: 采用交流电化学沉积法,在多孔阳极氧化铝(AAO)模板孔洞中成功组装了铁磁性金属Co、Ni、CoNi合金纳米线阵列并采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)等对样品进行表征。结果表明,Co、Ni及CoNi合金阵列体系中纳米线均匀有序,形状各向异性较大(长径比达30以上),有显著的结晶择优取向。对Co、Ni、CoNi合金纳米线阵列体系进行磁性分析,振动样品磁强计(VSM)测试结果显示,纳米线有明显的磁各向异性,适合用作垂直磁记录介质。纳米线阵列退火后沿纳米线方向矫顽力和矩形比减小,样品的垂直磁各向异
关键词: 多孔氧化铝模板  纳米阵列  磁化反转  退火
Abstract: Ni, Co and their alloy nanowires were fabricated by alternating current electro-deposition using two-step anodic aluminum oxide(AAO) template. The samples were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), X-ray Diffraction(XRD) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer(VSM). The results show that the nanowires exhibit high aspect ratio, displaying obvious preferred orientation and magnetic anisotropy. The coercivity and squareness parallel to nanowires decrease after annealing, and the vertical magnetic anisotropy drops off. By comparing the patterns of macro magnetic performance before and after annealing, the magnetization reversal of magnetic nanowires was studied.
Keywords: porous alumina membrane  nanowire arrays  magnetization reversal  annealing
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徐 怡,徐金霞,蒋林华.Co、Ni及其合金纳米线阵列的制备及磁性研究[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(3):459-464.
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