Pd-Y/Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Catalyst for Combustion of Volatile Organic Compounds
宋 萃 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
陈 敏 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
张 婷 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
郑小明 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
摘要: 采用经阳极氧化工艺处理后的不锈钢丝网作为催化剂载体,制备了Pd-Y/不锈钢丝网催化剂。考察了该催化剂对典型的挥发性有机物(VOCs)(甲苯、丙酮和乙酸乙酯)的催化燃烧性能,并用SEM、TPR技术对催化剂的形貌和氧化膜的结构组成进行了表征。结果表明:采用阳极氧化技术在不锈钢表面形成致密的多孔氧化膜,有利于活性组分的负载及均匀分散,明显提高了催化剂的燃烧活性和稳定性,延长了催化剂的使用寿命。Pd-Y/不锈钢丝网催化剂上3种VOCs的完全氧化温度分别为220、280和320 ℃。控制甲苯进料浓度为4~6 g·m
关键词: Y  催化  Pd催化剂  阳极氧化
Abstract: A Pd-Y catalyst supported on stainless steel wire mesh(Pd-Y/stainless steel wire mesh) for volatile organic compound(VOCs) combustion was prepared via anodic oxidation treatment. The activity tests for complete catalytic oxidation of toluene, acetone and ethyl acetate were investigated. The catalysts and stainless steel wire mesh support were characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and temperature programmed reduction(TPR) technologies. The results show that, after anodic oxidation procedure, a typical oxidized membrane can be observed over stainless steel wire mesh,which is in favor of the dispersion efficiency for active species of Pd and Y. After 120 min ultrasonic vibration test, there is no weight loss on the Pd-Y/stainless steel wire mesh sample. The total oxidation temperature for toluene, acetone, and ethyl acetate was at 220, 280, and 320℃, respectively. Another exciting result is that the Pd-Y/stainless steel wire mesh catalyst shows stable activity for over 1 000 h under the reaction of toluene oxidation at 240℃.
Keywords: Y  catalysis  Pd catalyst  anodic oxidation
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宋 萃,陈 敏,张 婷,郑小明.VOCs催化燃烧Pd-Y/不锈钢丝网催化剂的性能[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(3):397-401.
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