Preparation and Luminescent Properties of CaMoO4∶Eu3+
王喜贵 内蒙古师范大学化学与环境科学学院呼和浩特 010022
内蒙古师范大学磁性材料重点实验室呼和浩特 010022 
薄素玲 内蒙古师范大学化学与环境科学学院呼和浩特 010022
内蒙古师范大学磁性材料重点实验室呼和浩特 010022 
齐 霞 内蒙古师范大学化学与环境科学学院呼和浩特 010022
内蒙古师范大学磁性材料重点实验室呼和浩特 010022 
娜米拉 内蒙古师范大学化学与环境科学学院呼和浩特 010022
内蒙古师范大学磁性材料重点实验室呼和浩特 010022 
李力猛 内蒙古师范大学化学与环境科学学院呼和浩特 010022
内蒙古师范大学磁性材料重点实验室呼和浩特 010022 
摘要: 用共沉淀法与高温焙烧法制备了样品CaMoO4∶Eu3+。TG-DTA谱图表明:800 ℃时,样品吸收的能量最大,即形成稳定的CaMoO4∶Eu3+结构。用XRD谱图进一步分析表明:800 ℃时,样品CaMoO4∶Eu3+已形成CaMoO4的白钨矿结构。由于2个Eu3+取代3个Ca2+,导致了晶体产生微小的晶体缺陷,从而形成具有p-n结的半导体。经过激发和发射谱图的测试发现:这种缺陷结构不但可以使Eu3+禁戒的4f电子发生跃迁,而且可以使MoO42-的能量高效地传递给Eu3+,尤其使与MoO42-的发射特征峰(488 nm)部分重叠的Eu3+(465 nm)的7F05D2电子跃迁得到了极大的加强,进而在λex=465 nm的发射谱图中,自激活荧光体MoO42-的发射强度被大大减弱甚至猝灭,而Eu3+5D07F2(612 nm)跃迁的红光发光强度被大大增强,使该材料成为有潜在应用价值的发光材料。
关键词: CaMoO4  Eu3+  发光性质
Abstract: The sample CaMoO4∶Eu3+ has been prepared with the co-precipitation method and high-temperature roasting method. TG-DTA spectra show that the energy of the samples is up to the maximum implying that it has formed stable structures at 800 ℃. XRD pattern of the sample shows that the CaMoO4∶Eu3+, at the single phase, is a representative scheelite structure of CaMoO4. Due to three Ca2+ replaced by two Eu3+ in the cell of the sample CaMoO4∶Eu3+, the crystal produced tiny crystal defect, so that it has the sample CaMoO4∶Eu3+ form the semiconductor which is possessed of p-n junctions. The excitation and emission spectra of the samples are investigated and reveal that the defect structures of the sample not only enable the 4f electron of the Eu3+ transit, but also make energy of MoO42- high efficiently transfer Eu3+, especially the 7F05D2 electronic transition(465nm) of the Eu3+, with the 488 nm of MoO42- partly overlapped, is greatly strengthened. As a result, the emission spectra with λex=465 nm shows the emission intensity of the spontaneously activated fluorescence MoO42- is greatly weaken or even quenching, while the red light luminescence intensity of the 5D07F2 transition(612nm )of Eu3+ is greatly enhanced. The sample of CaMoO4∶Eu3+ could become a valuable luminescence material.
Keywords: CaMoO4  Eu3+  Luminescence
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王喜贵,薄素玲,齐 霞,娜米拉,李力猛.CaMoO4∶Eu3+发光材料的制备和发光性质的研究[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(2):350-353.
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