Preparation and Hydrolysis Behavior of High Concentration Polyaluminium Chloride Solutions with High Content of Alb
贾建军 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室北京 100085 
赵长伟 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室北京 100085 
张静波 中国矿业大学化学与环境工程学院北京 100083 
栾兆坤 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室北京 100085 
武洁玮 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室北京 100085 
刘成蹊 中国矿业大学化学与环境工程学院北京 100083 
摘要: 高浓度高Alb含量聚合氯化铝的制备及其相关性质研究一直是国内外学者研究的热点和前沿问题。本文首先采用化学法合成出AlT=0.2 mol·L-1,Alb高于85%的低浓度高Alb含量的聚合氯化铝,并在热侧温度55 ℃,冷侧温度20 ℃条件下进行膜蒸馏浓缩,首次成功地制备出总铝浓度AlT=2.52mol·L-1,Alb含量高达88%的高浓度高Alb含量的聚合氯化铝溶液。其次,对两种高Alb含量的低浓度和高浓度的聚合氯化铝新产品进行了水解特性研究,分别考察了稀释倍数、pH和稀释时间等因素对溶液中聚铝形态分布的影响。结果表明,稀释刚一开始时,Alb下降比较明显,但随着稀释倍数的增大,Alb含量降低较为缓慢,但在整个稀释过程中Alb含量仍能保持在70%以上;溶液的pH在碱性范围内对聚铝形态有一定影响,在碱性范围内,随着pH的增加,Ala含量逐渐增加,Alb、Alc含量逐渐减少,在酸性和中性较宽的范围内能够保持较高的Alb含量和较低的Ala含量;稀释时间对铝形态的影响较小,Alb聚合形态能够保持较长时间的稳定性。实验结果表明我们所制备的高浓度高Alb含量聚合氯化铝具有相当的化学稳定性。
关键词: 高浓度聚合氯化铝  膜蒸馏  水解  铝形态分布
Abstract: The formation and characterization of high concentration polyaluminum chloride (PAC) with high content of Alb is always researchers interests and goal. In this paper high concentration (AlT= 2.52 mol·L-1) PAC with high Alb content (Alb=88%) was successfully prepared by membrane distillation based on low concentration (AlT=0.208 mol·L-1) PAC by chemical synthesis for the first time. Membrane distillation process temperature was controlled with feed temperature at 55 ℃ and distillation temperature at 20 ℃ respectively. Two new coagulants with high content of Alb were used to make a comparison on their hydrolysis behavior and speciation in different conditions. The effects of dilution ratio, pH and dilution time on Al species distribution were investigated by Ferron Assay. Experimental result showed that the content of Alb decreased relatively sharply only when dilution began, after the content change of Alb was little with the increase of dilution ratio and could obtain high content (Alb>70%) in whole dilution process. pH had some effect on Al species distribution in the alkaline region, the content of Ala increased but the content of Alb and Alc decreased with the increase of pH in the alkaline region. The high content of Alb and the low content of Ala could maintain stability in the acidic and basic region. The effect of dilution time was relatively little, the high content of Alb could exist a long time stability. The results indicated that two coagulants with significant amounts of highly charged and stable polynuclear aluminum hydrolysis products are less affected by the hydrolysis conditions and maintain high speciation stability under the various conditions investigated.
Keywords: high concentration polyaluminium chloride  membrane distillation  hydrolysis  Al species distribution
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