Conductivity and the Fuel Cell Performance of BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α Solid Electrolytes
王茂元 盐城师范学院化学化工学院盐城 224051 
仇立干 盐城师范学院化学化工学院盐城 224051 
摘要: 用高温固相反应法合成了BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α(x=1.03,1,0.97)系列固体电解质,粉末XRD结果表明,各材料均为钙钛矿型斜方晶单相结构。用交流阻抗谱技术研究了材料在600~1 000 ℃下、湿润氢气和湿润空气气氛中的导电性;研究了它们的氢-空气燃料电池性能;讨论了材料的非化学计量组成对其电性能的影响。结果表明,在600~1 000 ℃温度范围内、湿润氢气和湿润空气气氛中,该系列材料的电导率随温度和钡离子含量的变化均与以该系列材料为固体电解质的氢-空气燃料电池性能随温度和钡离子含量变化的次序一致,即:非化学计量组成材料BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α(x=1.03,0.97)具有较化学计量组成材料BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α(x=1)高的电导率和氢-空气燃料电池输出功率密度,其中Ba1.03Ce0.8Ho0.2O3-α有最高的电导率(1 000 ℃时、在湿润的氢气气氛中:2.10×10-2 S·cm-1;在湿润的空气气氛中:3.46×10-2 S·cm-1)和最大的氢-空气燃料电池输出功率密度(1 000 ℃时:122 mW·cm-2)。
关键词: BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α  固体电解质  导电性  燃料电池  非化学计量组成
Abstract: A series of BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α(x=1.03, 1, 0.97) solid electrolytes were synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction. The crystal structure of BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α was determined by XRD analysis. In the temperature range of 600~1 000 ℃, the conduction in BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α was studied by using ac impedance spectroscopy method, the performances of hydrogen-air fuel cells were measured. The results indicated that BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α sinters are of single-phase structures of orthorhombic perovskite. In the temperature range of 600~1 000 ℃, the nonstoichiometric materials (x=1.03 and 0.97) have higher conductivities in wet hydrogen and wet air and better performances of hydrogen-air fuel cells than the stoichiometric one (x=1). In this series, Ba1.03Ce0.8Ho0.2O3-α has the highest conductivities (2.10×10-2 S·cm-1 in wet hydrogen, 3.46×10-2 S·cm-1 in wet air, at 1 000 ℃) and the maximum power output density (122 mW·cm-2 at 1 000 ℃).
Keywords: BaxCe0.8Ho0.2O3-α  solid electrolyte  conductivity  fuel cell  nonstoichiometry
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