钛基TiO2纳米管阵列电极的光电催化性能 |
Photoelectrocatalytic Property of Titanium Based TiO2 Nanotube Array Electrode |
摘要: 应用电化学阳极氧化法在纯Ti基底上制备高度有序的TiO2纳米管阵列,考察了Ti/TiO2光阳极的光电化学响应。以苯酚溶液为目标污染物,研究Ti/TiO2电极的光电催化性能,并与光催化性能进行比较。结果表明,该电极光电催化性能优于光催化性能,施加0.6 V电压时,光电催化性能最好。电化学阻抗谱分析显示,光电催化和光催化降解过程的速控步骤均为表面反应步骤,外加偏压减小了界面电荷转移阻抗,提高了光生载流子的分离效率。 |
关键词: TiO2纳米管阵列 光电化学响应 光电催化 苯酚 |
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Abstract: TiO2 nanotube arrays were prepared by the electrochemical anodization on pure Ti surfaces, and their photoelectrochemical activity was examined. The photoelectrocatalytic property of Ti/TiO2 electrode was evaluated by the degradation of phenol aqueous solution and compared with its photocatalytic performance. The results demonstrated that the photoelectrocatalytic degradation rate of phenol solution for Ti/TiO2 electrode was higher than its photocatalytic degradation rate. The highest photoelectrocatalytic level could be achieved when the bias potential of 0.6 V was applied on the Ti/TiO2 electrode. The results of EIS analyses revealed that the surface reaction step was the only rate limiting step either for the photocatalytic process or for the photoelectrocatalytic process. The extra bias potential could decrease the values of the electron-transfer resistance and increase the separation efficiency of photogenerated electron-hole pairs. |
Keywords: TiO2 nanotube array photoelectrochemical response photoelectrocatalysis phenol |
摘要点击次数: 2820 |
全文下载次数: 2012 |
孙 岚,李 静,王成林,林昌健,杜荣归,陈鸿博.钛基TiO2纳米管阵列电极的光电催化性能[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(2):334-338. |
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